Professor Lee Wallace
Professor and Director of Research Development (Humanities)
Discipline of Film Studies
Research Coordinator
Lee joined the Department in January 2011 from the University of Auckland, where she took her PhD in 1997. Lee's academic training is in postcolonial literary studies and her current research and teaching is in sexuality studies.
Queer theory, lesbian and gay studies, feminist theory, colonial and postcolonial discourse, cultural studies and cinema studies.
Within the expanded field of gender and cultural studies, Lee welcomes supervisions in the following areas: queer theory, lesbian and gay studies, feminist theory, colonial and postcolonial discourse, cultural studies and cinema studies. She has experience supervising both traditional literary and film topics and more interdisciplinary projects.
Following on from Lesbianism, Cinema, Space: The Sexual Life of Apartments, I am now interested in the relation of homosexuality and cultural space more generally. In order to engage with current theoretical accounts of the social and political geography of gay and lesbian life, I am interested in a number of homosexual sites and architectures, some fictional, some material. I have already published on the collaboration between lesbian director Dorothy Arzner and gay interior designer William Haines on the domestic melodrama Craig’s Wife (1936), and have an article forthcoming in Criticism on Tom Ford’s adaptation of Christopher Isherwood’s A Single Man.
Project title | Research student |
The Female Intimate Imaginary in Contemporary China: Temporality, Visibility, and Affect | Qingsheng XIAO |
Selected publications
- Wallace, L. (2020). Reattachment theory: queer cinema of remarriage. Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2009). Lesbianism, Cinema, Space: The Sexual Life of Apartments. New York, United States of America: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2003). Sexual Encounters: Pacific Texts, Modern Sexualities. Ithaca, NY, United States of America: Cornell University Press.
Edited Books
- Wallace, L., Herring, S. (2021). Long Term: Essays on Queer Commitment. Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Wallace, L. (2024). Midlife Lesbian: Alison Bechdel and Me. In Roisin Ryan-Flood and Amy Tooth Murphy (Eds.), Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity, (pp. 241-252). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Motion, A., Wallace, L. (2023). Science OUTreach: A Queer Approach to Science Communication Practice. In Lindy A. Orthia and Tara Roberson (Eds.), Queering Science Communication: Representations, Theory, and Practice, (pp. 161-171). Bristol: Bristol University Press. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Herring, S. (2021). A Theory of the Long Term. In S Herring and L Wallace (Eds.), Long Term: Essays on Queer Commitment, (pp. 1-24). Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2022). Stanley Cavell and the queer thought of movies. Screen, 63(1), 115-122. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Rawlings, V., Kelaita, P., Gauja, A. (2021). Marriage Equality Blues: Method and Mess around the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey. Australian Feminist Studies, 36(109), 260-277. [More Information]
- Jagose, A., Wallace, L. (2020). Dicktation: Autotheory in the Coupled Voice. Arizona Quarterly, 76(1), 109-139. [More Information]
- Kelly, F., Russell, M., Wallace, L. (2010). Researchers of the future? Building research capacity among postgraduate students in English. 33rd Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia International Conference: HERDSA 2010 Reshaping Higher Education, Milperra: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia.
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Wallace, L., Rawlings, V. (2023). 'Wouldn't want to be on any other team': the queer joy of watching the Matildas at the 'outest' World Cup ever. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Fahd, C., Wallace, L. (2023). Binding Ties explores celebrated artist Catherine Opie's world of transitions. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Jagose, A. (2021). How we Fell for Master of None and its Queer Retelling of Ingmar Bergman's Scenes from a Marriage. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2024). Midlife Lesbian: Alison Bechdel and Me. In Roisin Ryan-Flood and Amy Tooth Murphy (Eds.), Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity, (pp. 241-252). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Rawlings, V. (2023). 'Wouldn't want to be on any other team': the queer joy of watching the Matildas at the 'outest' World Cup ever. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Fahd, C., Wallace, L. (2023). Binding Ties explores celebrated artist Catherine Opie's world of transitions. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Motion, A., Wallace, L. (2023). Science OUTreach: A Queer Approach to Science Communication Practice. In Lindy A. Orthia and Tara Roberson (Eds.), Queering Science Communication: Representations, Theory, and Practice, (pp. 161-171). Bristol: Bristol University Press. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2022). Stanley Cavell and the queer thought of movies. Screen, 63(1), 115-122. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Herring, S. (2021). A Theory of the Long Term. In S Herring and L Wallace (Eds.), Long Term: Essays on Queer Commitment, (pp. 1-24). Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Jagose, A. (2021). How we Fell for Master of None and its Queer Retelling of Ingmar Bergman's Scenes from a Marriage. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Herring, S. (2021). Long Term: Essays on Queer Commitment. Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]
- Jagose, A., Wallace, L. (2020). Dicktation: Autotheory in the Coupled Voice. Arizona Quarterly, 76(1), 109-139. [More Information]
- Jagose, A., Wallace, L. (2020). Mother Courage. Sydney Review of Books. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2020). Reattachment theory: queer cinema of remarriage. Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]
- Jagose, A., Wallace, L. (2019). CoDP. Cultural Studies Review, 25(2), 204-207. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Jagose, A., Rawlings, V. (2019). Pages and prejudice: how queer texts could fight homophobia in Australian schools. The Conversation.
- Wallace, L. (2019). Three by Three: Lisa Cholodenko's Attachment Trilogy. Camera Obscura, 34(3), 97-125. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2018). Reattachment Theory: Gay Marriage and the Apartment Plot. In Pamela Robertson Wojcik (Eds.), The Apartment Complex: Urban Living and Global Screen Cultures, (pp. 145-167). Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]
- Wallace, L., Jagose, A. (2018). The Second Woman: A 24-hour Lesson in the Gendered Performance of Intimacy. The Conversation.
- Wallace, L. (2017). Queer Chattels and Fixtures: Photography and Materiality in the Homes of Frank Sargeson and Patrick White. In Bex Harper, Hollie Price (Eds.), Domestic Imaginaries: Navigating the Home in Global Literary and Visual Cultures, (pp. 191-209). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2015). Sontag's late lesbianism: sexuality, photography, celebrity. Celebrity Studies, 6(2), 206-218. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2014). Tom Ford and his Kind. Criticism: a quarterly for literature and the arts, 56(1), 21-44. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2012). Fag Men: 'Mad Men', Homosexuality and Televisual Style. Cultural Studies Review, 18(2), 207-222. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2012). Review of Pamela Robertson Wojcik, 'The Apartment Plot: Urban Living in American Film and Popular Culture, 1945-1975'. Screen, 53(3), 326-329.
- Kelly, F., Russell, M., Wallace, L. (2012). Trouble in mind: Supporting the transition to graduate research in English. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 11(4), 418-433. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2011). Outside History: Same-Sex Sexuality and the Colonial Archive. In Sebastian Jobs and Gesa Mackenthun (Eds.), Embodiments of Cultural Encounters, (pp. 61-74). Munster, Germany: Waxmann Verlag GmbH.
- Kelly, F., Russell, M., Wallace, L. (2010). Researchers of the future? Building research capacity among postgraduate students in English. 33rd Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia International Conference: HERDSA 2010 Reshaping Higher Education, Milperra: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia.
- Wallace, L. (2010). Review: Paul Millar, No Fretful Sleeper: A Life of Bill Pearson (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2010). Journal of New Zealand Studies, forthcoming.
- Wallace, L. (2009). Lesbianism, Cinema, Space: The Sexual Life of Apartments. New York, United States of America: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2008). Dorothy Arzner's Wife: heterosexual sets, homosexual scenes. Screen, 49(4), 391-409. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2008). Gay Culture in a Small Province: Review of "Mates and Lovers: A History of Gay New Zealand", by Chris Brickell (Auckland: Random House, 2008). Journal of New Zealand Literature, 26, 184-189.
- Wallace, L. (2008). Review: Oliver S. Buckton, Cruising with Robert Louis Stevenson: Travel, Narrative, and the Colonial Body (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2007). International History Review, 30(4), 74-76.
- Wallace, L. (2007). Continuous sex: the editing of homosexuality in Bound and Rope. In Jackie Stacey, Sarah Street (Eds.), Queer Screen: A Screen Reader, (pp. 106-122). New York, United States of America: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
- Wallace, L. (2007). Review: BALME, Christopher B.: Pacific Performances: Theatricality and Cross-Cultural Encounter in the South Seas. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. xiv + 256 pp., bib., figs, index. Price: US$100.00 (cloth). J P S (The Journal of the Polynesian Society), 116(3), 357-360.
- Wallace, L. (2006). Discovering Homosexuality: Cross-Cultural Comparison and the History of Sexuality. In Robert Aldrich (Eds.), Gay Life and Culture: A World History, (pp. 248-269). London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.
- Wallace, L. (2005). A House is not a Home: Gender, Space and Marquesan Encounter, 1833-34. The Journal of Pacific History, 40(3), 265-288. [More Information]
- Wallace, L. (2005). Review: Bolyanatz, Alexander H.: Pacific Romanticism: Tahiti and the European Imagination. Westport: Praeger, 2004. xii + 134 pp., bib., index, map. n.p. (cloth). J P S (The Journal of the Polynesian Society), 114(2), 167-169.
- Wallace, L. (2004). Queer Here: Sexuality and Space. In Claudia Bell and Steve Matthewman (Eds.), Cultural Studies in Aotearoa New Zealand: Identiy, Space and Place, (pp. 66-83). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
- Wallace, L. (2004). Review: Anna Johnston, Missionary Writing and Empire, 1800-1860. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pp. xii + 262. $65. Nineteenth-Century Literature, 59(1), 119-122.
- Wallace, L. (2003). Sexual Encounters: Pacific Texts, Modern Sexualities. Ithaca, NY, United States of America: Cornell University Press.
- Wallace, L., Jagose, A., Gunn, C. (2003). Virtual Learning in Cultural Studies: Matching Subject Content and Instructional Delivery. In Som Naidu (Eds.), Learning and teaching with technology: principles and practices, (pp. 97-112). London: Kogan Page.
- Wallace, L. (2000). Continuous Sex: The Editing of Homosexuality in Bound and Rope. Screen, 41(4), 369-387. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Social enterprise support, Wallace L, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/Social enterprise support SSSCHARC
- Research Impact Accelerator, Wallace L, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/Research Impact Accelerator
- The SSSHARC Impact Accelerator program, Wallace L, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/FASS Strategic Research Scheme: SSSHARC Impact Accelerator Program
- Queer Normal School: Building Queer Community and Research, Wallace L, Sydney Policy Lab/Research for Policy Impact Award
- Youth-Led Sexual Violence Prevention in NSW Schools: Co-Designing Sexuality and Gender Diversity Workshops and Resources, Wallace L, Rawlings V, NSW Department of Communities and Justice/NSW Sexual Violence Project Fund Grant
- Alternative Life: Game-based learning to Build Inclusion among NSW High School Students, Wallace L, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/FASS External Engagement Fund 2023
Other Grants
- Acts and Identities: Towards a New Cultural History of Sex, Marsden Fund Grant, Royal Society of New Zealand (NZ $465,000)
- Sexual Encounters: Pacific Ethnography and the Representation of Sexuality, Marsden Fund Grant, Royal Society of New Zealand (NZ$170,000)
In the media
- republished in yahoo!lifestyle from The Conversation: ‘Wouldn't want to be on any other team’: the queer joy of watching the Matildas at the 'outest' World Cup ever