Government and International Relations

Government and International Relations

Shape the conversation, change the world

Government and International Relations

Shape the conversation, change the world

Examining politics and international relations using critical and multidisciplinary perspectives. 

Everyone has a stake in how domestic and international political disputes are resolved and whether co-operation is improved. In GIR, we understand and explain politics and international relations as well as the forces that shape and drive political, economic and social change. 

Our internationally recognised academics engage with the big issues the world faces today, dealing with everything from the US presidency to the implications of the war in Ukraine and Russia, terrorism, climate change, nuclear proliferation, the global refugee crisis and financial instability.

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Our discipline offers teaching and internationally recognised research in all major fields, including: 

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  • Professor Gaby Ramia

    Discipline Chair

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School of Social and Political Sciences

Level 3, Social Sciences Building A02,
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

Phone: +61 2 9351 2650
