Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation

Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation

A fascinating study of the past

We facilitate research in the archaeology of the Near East, Egypt, and Cyprus, while also bringing the world of Near Eastern archaeology to the general public.

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The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation provides opportunities for people who may have little or no direct contact with archaeology - beyond the written word - to gain first-hand experience in excavation and study. At the same time, it supports the careers and research of graduate students, who are often their teachers and mentors.

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We are committed to making Near Eastern archaeology more accessible to the public. Throughout the year, the Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation hosts lectures on Near Eastern, Cypriot, and Egyptian archaeology and partners with the Centre for Continuing Education to offer in-depth courses.

Members receive advance notice of our events, enjoy discounted access to most activities, and gain exclusive updates on volunteering opportunities. NEAF also offers various grants to support research and fieldwork.

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Contact us

Near Eastern Archaeological Foundation

Phone: +61 2 9351 4151
Address: Level 4, Vere Gordon Childe Centre Madsen Building, F09