Professor Adrian Vickers
Member, Sydney Southeast Asia Centre
Professor Vickers researches and publishes on the cultural history of Southeast Asia. He has held a series of Australian Research Council grants (Discovery and Linkage), the most recent of which is a large team project re-examining Australian history through a multilingual lens, Opening the Multilingual Archive of Australia. His previous projects looked at modern and contemporary Indonesian art, Cold War history, and labour and industry in Southeast Asia. He has created a virtual museum on the history of Balinese painting, continuing previous pioneering work in Digital Humanities and teaching. His books include the highly popular Bali: A Paradise Created (2012), The Pearl Frontier: Indonesian Labor and Indigenous Encounters in Australia's Northern Trading Network (2015, with Associate Professor Julia Martínez), A History of Modern Indonesia (2013) and Balinese Art: Paintings and Drawings of Bali, 1800-2010 (2012). Professor Vickers has supervised more than 35 PhD theses to completion, and has taught subjects on Southeast Asian history and culture from first year undergraduate to Honours and Masters levels. Professor Vickers is frequently asked to comment on Indonesia and Australian-Indonesian relations for national and international media.
- Asia in Australia and Australia in Asia
- Indonesian history and historiography
- Indonesian art, particularly Balinese art
- Australian-Indonesian relations
- Labour and globalisation in the Asia-Pacific
- Maritime Southeast Asia
- Panji stories in Southeast Asia
- Southeast Asian history and art
- Modern Indonesian history and culture
- Indonesian art and culture
- Indonesian history, historiography and politics
- Southeast Asian cultural history
- Australia and Indonesia
- Multilingual Australia funded by Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grant
- Site and Space in Southeast Asia funded by the Getty Foundation
- Contemporary and Modern Indonesian art funded by an ARC Discovery Project Grant
- The Virtual Museum of Balinese Painting funded by an ARC Linkage Grant
- Politics of Indonesian history since the fall of Suharto, funded by an ARC Discovery Project Grant
Asian Studies Association of Australia
Australian Society for Asian Humanities
Australian Historical Association
Australia-Indonesia Association
Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, 2021
Asia Research Grant Scholar, National Library of Australia, 2021
Brayton Wilbur Jr Fellow at the Asian Art Museum San Francisco, 2018
Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, 2014
-The Pearl Frontier: Indonesian Labor and Indigenous Encounters in Australia's Northern Trading Network(by Julia Martinez and Adrian Vickers:
- 2016 Queensland Literary Awards, USQ History Book Award
- 2016 Chief Minister’s Northern Territory History Book Award
- Shortlist 2016 Ernest Scott Prize
Indonesia | (Bandung Institute of Technology) Joint research with the Art School on Indonesian art history |
Indonesia | (Udayana University) Chair of International Advisory Board |
Project title | Research student |
Opening Australia's Multilingual Archive | Eva BOLETI |
The Art and Intellectual History of LEKRA | Asep Topan MULYONO |
Itinerant Bodies: Women and Photographic Visualities in Southeast Asia | Jennifer YANG |
Selected publications
- Martinez, J., Vickers, A. (2015). The Pearl Frontier: Indonesian Labor and Indigenous Encounters in Australia's Northern Trading Network. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2013). A History of Modern Indonesia (Second Edition). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Vickers, A. (2012). Bali : A Paradise Created. Clarendon, VT.: Tuttle Publishing.
Edited Books
- Crinis, V., Vickers, A. (2017). Labour in the Clothing Industry in the Asia Pacific. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Vickers, A., Putra, D., Ford, M. (2000). To Change Bali: Essays in Honour of I Gusti Ngurah Bagus.. Denpasar: Bali Post.
- Vickers, A. (1996). Being Modern in Bali: Image and Change. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies.
Book Chapters
- Vickers, A. (2024). CONNECTING WITH ANCESTORS: “IMPORTED” AND INDIGENOUS EPICS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. In Pamela Lothspeich (Eds.), The Epic World, (pp. 275-271). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2018). From The Year of Living Dangerously to The Act of Killing in Popular Imaginings of Indonesian Cold War History. In Judith Keene, Elizabeth Rechniewski (Eds.), Seeking Meaning, Seeking Justice in a Post-Cold War World, (pp. 129-146). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2017). Balinese Modernism. In Low Sze Wee, Patrick D Flores (Eds.), Charting Thoughts: Essays on Art in Southeast Asia, (pp. 120-129). Singapore: National Gallery Singapore.
- Loy-Wilson, S., Vickers, A., Alu, G. (2024). Editorial: Opening Australia's Multilingual Archive. Australian Historical Studies, 55, 621-631.
- Vickers, A. (2024). Solidarity for the Indonesian Revolution. Labour History, 126(1), 163-186. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2022). 'Fake News' about the Indonesian Past. Journal Of Global Strategic Studies, 2(1), 6-22. [More Information]
Edited Journals
- Loy-Wilson, S., Vickers, A. (2024). Australian Historical Studies. Australian Historical Studies, 55(4).
- Vickers, A., Martinez, J. (2012). Indonesia and the Malay World. Indonesia and the Malay World, 40(117).
- Walker, D., Horne, J., Vickers, A. (1990). Australian Perceptions of Asia. Australian Cultural History, 9.
- Vickers, A. (2008). The Survival of Balinese Culture. Kongres Kebudayaan Bali, Denpasar: Kongres kebudayaan Bali.
- Vickers, A., Hanlon, M. (2006). Asia Reconstructed: Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Conference of the ASAA. 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) 2006, Canberra: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA).
- Vickers, A. (2006). Bali: The Rise and Fall of a Tourist Industry. Regional Conference on Institutions, Globalisation and its Impacts on Labour Markets in Pacific Island Countries, Online: The University of the South Pacific.
Textual Creative Works
- Carpenter, B., Darling, J., Hinzler, H., McGowan, K., Vickers, A., Widagdo, S. (2014). Lempad of Bali: The Illuminating Line, (pp. 75 - 375). Singapore, Singapore: Museum Puri Lukisan.
- Vickers, A. (2014). 1. Kolekcja Krzysztofa Musiala / The Krzysztof Musial Collection 2. Malarstwo / Paintings 3. Rzezby /Scupltures. Sztuka Balijska z kolekcji Krzysztofa Musiala / Balinese Art from the Krzysztof Musial Collection, (pp. 61; 118; 248 - 67; 247; 297). Bydgoszcz, Poland: Galeria Miejska bwa Bydgoszcz.
Exhibitions / Events
- Vickers, A. (2009). Retrospective: I Nyoman Mandra. Sanur and Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Griya Santrian Gallery and Sangkring Gallery.
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Vickers, A. (2018). Unclean Environment: Ensuring that victims of the Indonesian massacres do not simply remain statistics. The Times Literary Supplement.
- Vickers, A., Haks, L. (2006). Ida Bagus Nyoman Rai: Painter of History. International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter 41 (Summer): page 14.
- Vickers, A. (2006). Indonesia Caught in Moral Panic. The Age.
- Vickers, A., Wells, A. (2001). Explaining the Anti-Globalisation Movement.
Reference Works
- Vickers, A. (2010). Dugas Jepangé/The Japanese Period: Bali under the Japanese. In Peter Post et al. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific war: in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation. (pp. 86-92). Leiden: Brill.
- Vickers, A. (2010). Indonesian historiography of the occupation period. In Peter Post et al. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific war: in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation. (pp. 448-453). Leiden: Brill.
- Vickers, A. (2009). Agung, Mr Ide Anak Agung Gde. In Peter Post, William H. Frederick, Iris Heidebrink, Shigeru Sato (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific War. (pp. 472-473). Netherlands: Brill.
- Vickers, A. (2012), Bali tempo doeloe: Komunitas Bambu.
- Vickers, A. (2011), The Significance of The Haks Collection.
- Vickers, A. (2006), Interview: Geraldine Doogue, Saturday Breakfast, Radio National.
- Loy-Wilson, S., Vickers, A. (2024). Australian Historical Studies. Australian Historical Studies, 55(4).
- Vickers, A. (2024). CONNECTING WITH ANCESTORS: “IMPORTED” AND INDIGENOUS EPICS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. In Pamela Lothspeich (Eds.), The Epic World, (pp. 275-271). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Loy-Wilson, S., Vickers, A., Alu, G. (2024). Editorial: Opening Australia's Multilingual Archive. Australian Historical Studies, 55, 621-631.
- Vickers, A. (2022). 'Fake News' about the Indonesian Past. Journal Of Global Strategic Studies, 2(1), 6-22. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2021). From Oriental Studies to Inter-Asia Referencing: The 2019 A.R. Davis Memorial Lecture. JOSAH: Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities, 52(2020-21), 12-35. [More Information]
- Wijaya, I., Putra, I., Vickers, A. (2021). The social realist stories of Putu shanty as historical record. Balinese Culture and Indonesian National Politics in the 1950s. Bijdragen Tot de Taal-Land-en Volkenkunde, 177(2), 265-289. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2020). Palabra e imagen en La Isla de Bali de Miguel Covarrubias: Word and Image in Miguel Covarrubias's Island of Bali. La revista Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Esteticas, XLII (116), 51-76. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2020). Reconstructing the history of Panji performances in Southeast Asia. Wacana, 21(2), 268-284. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2020). Visual methods and the study of Balinese art collections. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 51(3), 321-342. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2019). Creating heritage in Ubud, Bali. Wacana, 20(2), 250-265. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2019). The Pearl Rush in Aru, 1916: A Case Study in Writing Commodity History in Southeast Asia. Wacana, 20(3), 457-479. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2018). From The Year of Living Dangerously to The Act of Killing in Popular Imaginings of Indonesian Cold War History. In Judith Keene, Elizabeth Rechniewski (Eds.), Seeking Meaning, Seeking Justice in a Post-Cold War World, (pp. 129-146). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2018). Unclean Environment: Ensuring that victims of the Indonesian massacres do not simply remain statistics. The Times Literary Supplement.
- Vickers, A. (2017). Balinese Modernism. In Low Sze Wee, Patrick D Flores (Eds.), Charting Thoughts: Essays on Art in Southeast Asia, (pp. 120-129). Singapore: National Gallery Singapore.
- Vickers, A. (2017). Complex Histories of the Foreign in Indonesia. In Chih-ming Wang and Daniel PS Goh (Eds.), Precarious Belongings: Affect and Nationalism in Asia, (pp. 3-18). London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
- Crinis, V., Vickers, A. (2017). Introduction: Dis-organizing labour in the clothing industry in the Asia Pacific. In Vicki Crinis, Adrian Vickers (Eds.), Labour in the Clothing Industry in the Asia Pacific, (pp. 1-22). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2015). Book review - Producing Indonesia: The State of the Field of Indonesian Studies. Sojourn, 30(1), 256-270. [More Information]
- Martinez, J., Vickers, A. (2015). The Pearl Frontier: Indonesian Labor and Indigenous Encounters in Australia's Northern Trading Network. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. [More Information]
- Carpenter, B., Darling, J., Hinzler, H., McGowan, K., Vickers, A., Widagdo, S. (2014). Lempad of Bali: The Illuminating Line, (pp. 75 - 375). Singapore, Singapore: Museum Puri Lukisan.
- Vickers, A. (2014). 1. Kolekcja Krzysztofa Musiala / The Krzysztof Musial Collection 2. Malarstwo / Paintings 3. Rzezby /Scupltures. Sztuka Balijska z kolekcji Krzysztofa Musiala / Balinese Art from the Krzysztof Musial Collection, (pp. 61; 118; 248 - 67; 247; 297). Bydgoszcz, Poland: Galeria Miejska bwa Bydgoszcz.
- Vickers, A. (2014). A History of The Karangasem Royal Family. In A. A. A. Dewi Girindrawardani, Adrian Vickers, Rodney Holt (Eds.), The Last Rajah of Karangasem: The Life and Times of Anak Agung Agung Anglurah Karangasem 1887 - 1966, (pp. 1-60). Bali: Saritaksu Editions.
- Vickers, A. (2013). A History of Modern Indonesia (Second Edition). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Vickers, A. (2012). Bali : A Paradise Created. Clarendon, VT.: Tuttle Publishing.
- Vickers, A. (2012), Bali tempo doeloe: Komunitas Bambu.
- Vickers, A. (2012). Balinese Art: Paintings and Drawings of Bali 1800 - 2010. Singapore: Tuttle Publishing.
- Vickers, A. (2011). Bali rebuilds its tourist industry. Bijdragen Tot de Taal-Land-en Volkenkunde, 167(4), 459-481. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2011). Balinese Art versus Global Art. Journal of Bali Studies, 1(2), 34-62.
- Vickers, A. (2011). Becoming Bali's Centre of the Arts 1920-1970. In Bembi Dwi Indrigo M; Soemantri Widagdo (Eds.), Ubud : A Short History of an Art and Cultural Centre in Bali, (pp. 35-58). Ubud: Yayasan Ratna Wartha (The Ratna Wartha Foundation).
- Vickers, A. (2010). Dugas Jepangé/The Japanese Period: Bali under the Japanese. In Peter Post et al. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific war: in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation. (pp. 86-92). Leiden: Brill.
- Vickers, A. (2010). Indonesian historiography of the occupation period. In Peter Post et al. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific war: in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation. (pp. 448-453). Leiden: Brill.
- Vickers, A. (2010). Where are the bodies: the haunting of Indonesia. The Public Historian, 32(1), 45-58. [More Information]
- Vickers, A. (2009). Agung, Mr Ide Anak Agung Gde. In Peter Post, William H. Frederick, Iris Heidebrink, Shigeru Sato (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific War. (pp. 472-473). Netherlands: Brill.
- Vickers, A. (2009). Dugas Jepangé, The Japanese Period: Bali under the Japanese. In Peter Post, William H. Frederick (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific War. (pp. 86-92). Netherlands: Brill.
- Vickers, A. (2009). Peradaban Pesisir: Menuju Sejarah Budaya Asia Tenggara. Denpasar, Bali: Udayana University Press.
- Vickers, A. (2008). Indonesia's premier historian. In M. Nursam, Baskara T. Wardaya, Asvi Warman Adam (Eds.), Sejarah yang memihak: mengenang Sartono Kartodirdjo (), (pp. 53-57). Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak.
- Vickers, A. (2008). Mengapa tahun 1950-an penting bagi kajian Indonesia. In Henk Shulte Nordholt, Bambang Purwanto and Ratna Saptari (Eds.), Perspektif baru penulisan sejarah Indonesia, (pp. 67-78). Jakarta: KITLV Press.
- Vickers, A. (2008). The Survival of Balinese Culture. Kongres Kebudayaan Bali, Denpasar: Kongres kebudayaan Bali.
- Vickers, A. (2007). Balinese Artists Documenting Modern Life. Surya Seni: Jurnal Penciptaan dan Pengkajian Seni, 3(1), 1-10.
- Vickers, A., Hanlon, M. (2006). Asia Reconstructed: Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Conference of the ASAA. 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) 2006, Canberra: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA).
- Vickers, A. (2006). Bali: The Rise and Fall of a Tourist Industry. Regional Conference on Institutions, Globalisation and its Impacts on Labour Markets in Pacific Island Countries, Online: The University of the South Pacific.
- Vickers, A. (2006). Balinese Art and the Struggle to be Modern. TAASA Review, 15(4), 8-9.
- Vickers, A. (2005). A History of Modern Indonesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Vickers, A. (2005), Interview: on Life Matters, ABC Radio National.
- Vickers, A. (2005). Journeys of desire: A study of the Balinese text Malat. Leidin: KITLV Press.
- Vickers, A. (2004). How Not to Lose Face: Advice for Egalitarians. Latitudes 49 (Feb): 20-23, 49, 20-23.
- Vickers, A. (2004). Introduction (Bali Chronicles). Bali Chronicles: A Lively Account of the Island's History from Early Times to the 1970s, (pp. 5-14). Singapore: Periplus.
- Vickers, A. (2004). Malay Identity: Modernitity, Invented Tradition and Forms of Knowledge. In Timothy P. Barnard (Eds.), Contesting Malayness: Malay Identity across Boundaries, (pp. 25-55). Singapore: Singapore University Press.
- Vickers, A. (2003). A Paradise Bombed. Griffith Review, 1(Spring 2003), 105-113.
- Vickers, A. (2003). Being Modern in Bali after Suharto. In Thomas Reuter (Eds.), Inequality, Crisis and Social Change in Indonesia: The Muted Worlds of Bali, (pp. 17-29). London: Routledge Curzon imprint of Taylor & Francis.
- Connor, L., Vickers, A. (2003). Crisis, citizenship and cosmopolitanism: living in a local and global risk society in Bali. Indonesia, 75(April 2003), 153-180.
- Vickers, A. (2002). Bali Merdeka? Internal Migration, Tourism and Hindu Revivalism. In Minako Sakai (Eds.), Beyond Jakarta: Regional autonomy and local society in Indonesia, (pp. 80-101). Adelaide Australia: Crawford House Publishing.
- Vickers, A. (2002). Collecting Evidence in a Nation where Outcomes are Negotiated. The Australian.
- Vickers, A. (2002), Interview: in Kompas, the leading Indonesian-language daily newspaper.
- Vickers, A. (2001). Donald Friend and Balinese Art. An Inventive Magic: Donald Friend and his Diaries, Canberra: National Library of Australia.
- Vickers, A., Wells, A. (2001). Explaining the Anti-Globalisation Movement.
- Vickers, A. (2001). Imperial Frameworks: Southeast Asia from 1870 to 1957. In P Heenan, M Lamontagne, C Hudson (Eds.), The Southeast Asia Handbook, (pp. 12-23). Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.
- Vickers, A., Putra, D., Ford, M. (2000). To Change Bali: Essays in Honour of I Gusti Ngurah Bagus.. Denpasar: Bali Post.
- Vickers, A. (1996). Being Modern in Bali: Image and Change. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies.
- Vickers, A. (1994). Travelling to Bali : four hundred years of journeys. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Walker, D., Horne, J., Vickers, A. (1990). Australian Perceptions of Asia. Australian Cultural History, 9.
Selected Grants
- Opening Australias Multilingual Archive, Vickers A, Lu Y, Suter R, Loy-Wilson S, Moir C, Wilson S, Stenberg J, Alu G, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)
- Ambitious Alignments II: Site and Space in Southeast Asia, Ledbury A, Vickers A, Whiteman S, Getty Foundation (USA)/Research Support
- Elected Visiting Fellow, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, 2014
- Editor Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities
- Editorial Board member, KITLV monograph series, Brill; ASAA Southeast Asia publications series; Routledge Media, culture and Social Change in Asia series;Jurnal Kajian Budaya Bali
Other Professional Contributions
- Member of the International Advisory Committee for Udayana University, Bali
- Faculty and departmental reviews, National University of Singapore, University of Tasmania, Charles Darwin University
- Member of the Steering Committee, Innovative Approaches to the Provision of Languages in Higher Education in Australia (CASR-DASSH) Review
- International assessor for grants and promotions for Asian, North American and European universities
- Public lectures on Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- Speaker at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2012 and 2015
- Invited speaker and facilitator, AsiaLink Leadership Program
- Media interviews, including ABC, SBS,Kompas, Metro TV, Jawa Pos, Dewata TV, Jakarta Post, Jakarta Globe, Bali Post, Los Angeles Times, The New Straits Times
- Consultancies to business on social impacts of development in Southeast Asia
- Consultancies to the media, public galleries and museums on Indonesian culture and art