Dr Mats Karlsson

Dr Mats Karlsson

BA, PhD, Stockholm University
Senior Lecturer
+61 2 9351 4715
A18 - Brennan MacCallum Building
The University of Sydney
Dr Mats Karlsson

Mats Karlsson teaches and carries out research in modern Japanese fiction and comparative literature, as well as Japanese cinema. His other interests range over socio-cultural aspects of contemporary Japanese society.


  • ASNS3616 Japanese Cinema and Society
  • ICLS2634 Literature and Revolution
  • JPNS3622 Japanese 8
  • JPNS3632 Japanese 10


  • Modern and contemporary Japanese fiction and literary theory
  • Japanese Cinema
  • Contemporary topics, especially with a cultural studies’ approach

In the field of Japanese cinema, Dr Karlsson is researching and teaching on a project dealing with popular film during Japan’s Period of High Economic Growth in the fifties and sixties. For a representative article related to this project, see his ‘Kinoshita Keisuke’s Film at the End of the Rainbow: Love, Labour and Alienation at the Yahata Steel Works’,Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema,10:2, 2018.

In the field of Japanese literature Dr Karlsson is working on an ongoing project to re-examine the achievements and inherent possibilities of the so-called Proletarian Cultural Movement at the grassroots level in fields like literature, film, and education. For a representative related article, see his ‘United Front from Below: The Proletarian Cultural Movement’s Last Stand, 1931-1934’, The Journal of Japanese Studies, 37:1, 2011.

Selected publications



  • Karlsson, M. (2001). The Kumano Saga of Nakagami Kenji. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet.

Book Chapters

  • Karlsson, M. (2020). The Proletarian Literature Movement: Japan's First Encounter with Working-Class Literature. In John Lennon and Magnus Nilsson (Eds.), Working-Class Literature(s) Volume II: Historical and International Perspectives, (pp. 115-137). Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2019). Shohei Imamura's Profound Desire for Japan's Cultural Roots: Critical Approaches to Profound Desires of the Gods. In Lindsay Coleman, David Desser (Eds.), Killers, Clients and Kindred Spirits: The Taboo Cinema of Shohei Imamura, (pp. 159-176). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Karlsson, M. (2016). The Proletarian Literature Movement: Experiment and Experience. In Not known (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese Literature, (pp. 111-124). TBC. [More Information]


  • Karlsson, M. (2023). The Economic Miracle Revisited: Social-Status Angst and Ambivalence towards High-Growth Policies in 1960s Japanese Youth Film. Japan Forum, 35(3), 295-313. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2019). Review - Promiscuous Media: Film and Visual Culture in Imperial Japan, 1926-1945, by Hikari Hori. English Historical Review. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2018). Kinoshita Keisuke's film at the end of the rainbow: love, labour, and alienation at the Yahata Steel Works. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 10(2), 163-180. [More Information]


  • Karlsson, M. (2018). The Noble Art of Procrastination: Writer's Block as a Motif in Watakushi Shosetsu. The 23rd Nichibunken International Symposium, Kyoto: International Research Centre for Japanese Studies.

Textual Creative Works

  • Karlsson, M. (2014). Obei ni okeru Nakagami Kenji hihyo gaikan (A survey of Nakagami Kenji criticism in the West). Nakagami Kenji shu 1 (Nakagami Kenji Selected Works 1), Tokyo, Japan: INSCRIPT.
  • Karlsson, M. (2010). The Crucified lovers: a study in unbridled passion, illustrated, (pp. 3 - 13). Collingwood, Victoria, Australia: Madman.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Karlsson, M. (2015). Kvinnoförebilden som hamnade efter. Svenska Dagbladet.
  • Karlsson, M. (2010). Japansk films kompromisslösa samuraj. Svenska Dagbladet.


  • Karlsson, M. (2023). The Economic Miracle Revisited: Social-Status Angst and Ambivalence towards High-Growth Policies in 1960s Japanese Youth Film. Japan Forum, 35(3), 295-313. [More Information]


  • Karlsson, M. (2020). The Proletarian Literature Movement: Japan's First Encounter with Working-Class Literature. In John Lennon and Magnus Nilsson (Eds.), Working-Class Literature(s) Volume II: Historical and International Perspectives, (pp. 115-137). Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. [More Information]


  • Karlsson, M. (2019). Review - Promiscuous Media: Film and Visual Culture in Imperial Japan, 1926-1945, by Hikari Hori. English Historical Review. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2019). Shohei Imamura's Profound Desire for Japan's Cultural Roots: Critical Approaches to Profound Desires of the Gods. In Lindsay Coleman, David Desser (Eds.), Killers, Clients and Kindred Spirits: The Taboo Cinema of Shohei Imamura, (pp. 159-176). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


  • Karlsson, M. (2018). Kinoshita Keisuke's film at the end of the rainbow: love, labour, and alienation at the Yahata Steel Works. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 10(2), 163-180. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2018). The Noble Art of Procrastination: Writer's Block as a Motif in Watakushi Shosetsu. The 23rd Nichibunken International Symposium, Kyoto: International Research Centre for Japanese Studies.


  • Karlsson, M. (2017). For Dignity, Justice, and Revolution: An Anthology of Japanese Proletarian Literature ed. by Heather Bowen-Struyk and Norma Field (review). Journal of Japanese Studies, 43(2), 466-470.


  • Karlsson, M. (2016). The Proletarian Literature Movement: Experiment and Experience. In Not known (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese Literature, (pp. 111-124). TBC. [More Information]


  • Karlsson, M. (2015). Book review - The Aesthetics of Shadow: Lighting and Japanese Cinema. Asian Studies Review, 39(1), 166-168. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2015). Hirabayashi Eiko and the projection of a viable proletarian vision. In Not known (Eds.), Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature, (pp. 102-116). TBC. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2015). Kvinnoförebilden som hamnade efter. Svenska Dagbladet.


  • Karlsson, M. (2014). Obei ni okeru Nakagami Kenji hihyo gaikan (A survey of Nakagami Kenji criticism in the West). Nakagami Kenji shu 1 (Nakagami Kenji Selected Works 1), Tokyo, Japan: INSCRIPT.
  • Karlsson, M. (2014). Proletarian Writers and the Great Tokyo Earthquake of 1923. In Roy Starrs (Eds.), When The Tsunami Came to Shore: Culture and Disaster in Japan, (pp. 299-317). Leiden: Global Oriental. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2014). Review - Kobayashi Takiji, The Crab Cannery Ship and Other Novels of Struggle. Japanese Studies, 34(1), 110-111. [More Information]


  • Karlsson, M. (2013). Hara Setsuko: En studie I kvinnlig frigorelse som gick snett. Orientaliska Studier, 136, 81-96.
  • Karlsson, M. (2013). Thirst for knowledge: women's proletarian literature in Nyonin geijutsu. Japan Forum, 25(3), 346-361. [More Information]


  • Karlsson, M. (2012). An Alternative View of tenko: Hayashi Fusao's Popular Writings for Shinseinen. Japanese Studies, 32(1), 61-76. [More Information]
  • Karlsson, M. (2012). Literary Appropriations of The Modern: The Case of Akutagawa Ryunosuke And August Strindberg. In Roy Starrs (Eds.), Rethinking Japanese Modernism, (pp. 164-187). Leiden, The Netherlands: Global Oriental.
  • Karlsson, M. (2012). Review of Politics, Porn and Protest: Japanese Avant-garde Cinema in the 1960s and 1970s. Japanese Studies, 32(3), 484-486.


  • Karlsson, M. (2011). United Front from Below: The Proletarian Cultural Movement's Last Stand, 1931-34. Journal of Japanese Studies, 37(1), 29-59.
  • Karlsson, M. (2011). Visions of Japanese Modernity: Articulations of Inema, Nation, and Spectatorship, 1895-1925. Japanese Studies, 31(3), 444-446.


  • Karlsson, M. (2010). The Crucified lovers: a study in unbridled passion, illustrated, (pp. 3 - 13). Collingwood, Victoria, Australia: Madman.
  • Karlsson, M. (2010). Japansk films kompromisslösa samuraj. Svenska Dagbladet.
  • Karlsson, M. (2010). Reading Tenba no fu forty years after the 168 movement. In William Tyler, Suzuki Sadami (Eds.), Ishikawa Jun and postwar Japan, (pp. 272-281). Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies.


  • Karlsson, M. (2009). Review of Alastair Phillips and Julian Stinger's "Japanese Cinema: texts and contexts". Japanese Studies, 29(3), 452-454.
  • Karlsson, M. (2009). Review of Eve Zimmerman's "Out of the alleyway: nakagami Kenji and the poetics of outcaste fiction". Japanese Studies, 29(1), 162-164.
  • Karlsson, M. (2009). Writing madness: Deranged impressions in Akutagawa's "Cogwheels" and Strindberg's - Inferno. Comparative Literature Studies, 46(4), 618-644. [More Information]


  • Karlsson, M. (2008). Kurahara Korehito's road to proletarian realism. Japan Review, (20), 231-273.
  • Karlsson, M. (2008). Review of "A new history of Japanese cinema: a century of narrative film". Japanese Studies, 28(2), 250-252.


  • Karlsson, M. (2005). Boku wa kono ango o bukimi ni omoi…Akutagawa Ryunosuke ‘Haguruma,’ Sutorindoberi, soshite kyoki," Nichibunken Foramu, 2005. Nichibunken.


  • Karlsson, M. (2003). Nakagami to Fokuna. Waseda Bungaku, 11, 40-53.


  • Karlsson, M. (2001). The Kumano Saga of Nakagami Kenji. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet.