Dr Mats Karlsson
Mats Karlsson teaches and carries out research in modern Japanese fiction and comparative literature, as well as Japanese cinema. His other interests range over socio-cultural aspects of contemporary Japanese society.
- ASNS3616 Japanese Cinema and Society
- ICLS2634 Literature and Revolution
- JPNS3622 Japanese 8
- JPNS3632 Japanese 10
- Modern and contemporary Japanese fiction and literary theory
- Japanese Cinema
- Contemporary topics, especially with a cultural studies’ approach
In the field of Japanese cinema, Dr Karlsson is researching and teaching on a project dealing with popular film during Japan’s Period of High Economic Growth in the fifties and sixties. For a representative article related to this project, see his ‘Kinoshita Keisuke’s Film at the End of the Rainbow: Love, Labour and Alienation at the Yahata Steel Works’,Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema,10:2, 2018.
In the field of Japanese literature Dr Karlsson is working on an ongoing project to re-examine the achievements and inherent possibilities of the so-called Proletarian Cultural Movement at the grassroots level in fields like literature, film, and education. For a representative related article, see his ‘United Front from Below: The Proletarian Cultural Movement’s Last Stand, 1931-1934’, The Journal of Japanese Studies, 37:1, 2011.
Selected publications
- Karlsson, M. (2001). The Kumano Saga of Nakagami Kenji. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet.
Book Chapters
- Karlsson, M. (2020). The Proletarian Literature Movement: Japan's First Encounter with Working-Class Literature. In John Lennon and Magnus Nilsson (Eds.), Working-Class Literature(s) Volume II: Historical and International Perspectives, (pp. 115-137). Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2019). Shohei Imamura's Profound Desire for Japan's Cultural Roots: Critical Approaches to Profound Desires of the Gods. In Lindsay Coleman, David Desser (Eds.), Killers, Clients and Kindred Spirits: The Taboo Cinema of Shohei Imamura, (pp. 159-176). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Karlsson, M. (2016). The Proletarian Literature Movement: Experiment and Experience. In Not known (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese Literature, (pp. 111-124). TBC. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2023). The Economic Miracle Revisited: Social-Status Angst and Ambivalence towards High-Growth Policies in 1960s Japanese Youth Film. Japan Forum, 35(3), 295-313. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2019). Review - Promiscuous Media: Film and Visual Culture in Imperial Japan, 1926-1945, by Hikari Hori. English Historical Review. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2018). Kinoshita Keisuke's film at the end of the rainbow: love, labour, and alienation at the Yahata Steel Works. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 10(2), 163-180. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2018). The Noble Art of Procrastination: Writer's Block as a Motif in Watakushi Shosetsu. The 23rd Nichibunken International Symposium, Kyoto: International Research Centre for Japanese Studies.
Textual Creative Works
- Karlsson, M. (2014). Obei ni okeru Nakagami Kenji hihyo gaikan (A survey of Nakagami Kenji criticism in the West). Nakagami Kenji shu 1 (Nakagami Kenji Selected Works 1), Tokyo, Japan: INSCRIPT.
- Karlsson, M. (2010). The Crucified lovers: a study in unbridled passion, illustrated, (pp. 3 - 13). Collingwood, Victoria, Australia: Madman.
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Karlsson, M. (2015). Kvinnoförebilden som hamnade efter. Svenska Dagbladet.
- Karlsson, M. (2010). Japansk films kompromisslösa samuraj. Svenska Dagbladet.
- Karlsson, M. (2023). The Economic Miracle Revisited: Social-Status Angst and Ambivalence towards High-Growth Policies in 1960s Japanese Youth Film. Japan Forum, 35(3), 295-313. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2020). The Proletarian Literature Movement: Japan's First Encounter with Working-Class Literature. In John Lennon and Magnus Nilsson (Eds.), Working-Class Literature(s) Volume II: Historical and International Perspectives, (pp. 115-137). Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2019). Review - Promiscuous Media: Film and Visual Culture in Imperial Japan, 1926-1945, by Hikari Hori. English Historical Review. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2019). Shohei Imamura's Profound Desire for Japan's Cultural Roots: Critical Approaches to Profound Desires of the Gods. In Lindsay Coleman, David Desser (Eds.), Killers, Clients and Kindred Spirits: The Taboo Cinema of Shohei Imamura, (pp. 159-176). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Karlsson, M. (2018). Kinoshita Keisuke's film at the end of the rainbow: love, labour, and alienation at the Yahata Steel Works. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 10(2), 163-180. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2018). The Noble Art of Procrastination: Writer's Block as a Motif in Watakushi Shosetsu. The 23rd Nichibunken International Symposium, Kyoto: International Research Centre for Japanese Studies.
- Karlsson, M. (2017). For Dignity, Justice, and Revolution: An Anthology of Japanese Proletarian Literature ed. by Heather Bowen-Struyk and Norma Field (review). Journal of Japanese Studies, 43(2), 466-470.
- Karlsson, M. (2016). The Proletarian Literature Movement: Experiment and Experience. In Not known (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese Literature, (pp. 111-124). TBC. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2015). Book review - The Aesthetics of Shadow: Lighting and Japanese Cinema. Asian Studies Review, 39(1), 166-168. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2015). Hirabayashi Eiko and the projection of a viable proletarian vision. In Not known (Eds.), Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature, (pp. 102-116). TBC. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2015). Kvinnoförebilden som hamnade efter. Svenska Dagbladet.
- Karlsson, M. (2014). Obei ni okeru Nakagami Kenji hihyo gaikan (A survey of Nakagami Kenji criticism in the West). Nakagami Kenji shu 1 (Nakagami Kenji Selected Works 1), Tokyo, Japan: INSCRIPT.
- Karlsson, M. (2014). Proletarian Writers and the Great Tokyo Earthquake of 1923. In Roy Starrs (Eds.), When The Tsunami Came to Shore: Culture and Disaster in Japan, (pp. 299-317). Leiden: Global Oriental. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2014). Review - Kobayashi Takiji, The Crab Cannery Ship and Other Novels of Struggle. Japanese Studies, 34(1), 110-111. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2013). Hara Setsuko: En studie I kvinnlig frigorelse som gick snett. Orientaliska Studier, 136, 81-96.
- Karlsson, M. (2013). Thirst for knowledge: women's proletarian literature in Nyonin geijutsu. Japan Forum, 25(3), 346-361. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2012). An Alternative View of tenko: Hayashi Fusao's Popular Writings for Shinseinen. Japanese Studies, 32(1), 61-76. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2012). Literary Appropriations of The Modern: The Case of Akutagawa Ryunosuke And August Strindberg. In Roy Starrs (Eds.), Rethinking Japanese Modernism, (pp. 164-187). Leiden, The Netherlands: Global Oriental.
- Karlsson, M. (2012). Review of Politics, Porn and Protest: Japanese Avant-garde Cinema in the 1960s and 1970s. Japanese Studies, 32(3), 484-486.
- Karlsson, M. (2011). United Front from Below: The Proletarian Cultural Movement's Last Stand, 1931-34. Journal of Japanese Studies, 37(1), 29-59.
- Karlsson, M. (2011). Visions of Japanese Modernity: Articulations of Inema, Nation, and Spectatorship, 1895-1925. Japanese Studies, 31(3), 444-446.
- Karlsson, M. (2010). The Crucified lovers: a study in unbridled passion, illustrated, (pp. 3 - 13). Collingwood, Victoria, Australia: Madman.
- Karlsson, M. (2010). Japansk films kompromisslösa samuraj. Svenska Dagbladet.
- Karlsson, M. (2010). Reading Tenba no fu forty years after the 168 movement. In William Tyler, Suzuki Sadami (Eds.), Ishikawa Jun and postwar Japan, (pp. 272-281). Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
- Karlsson, M. (2009). Review of Alastair Phillips and Julian Stinger's "Japanese Cinema: texts and contexts". Japanese Studies, 29(3), 452-454.
- Karlsson, M. (2009). Review of Eve Zimmerman's "Out of the alleyway: nakagami Kenji and the poetics of outcaste fiction". Japanese Studies, 29(1), 162-164.
- Karlsson, M. (2009). Writing madness: Deranged impressions in Akutagawa's "Cogwheels" and Strindberg's - Inferno. Comparative Literature Studies, 46(4), 618-644. [More Information]
- Karlsson, M. (2008). Kurahara Korehito's road to proletarian realism. Japan Review, (20), 231-273.
- Karlsson, M. (2008). Review of "A new history of Japanese cinema: a century of narrative film". Japanese Studies, 28(2), 250-252.
- Karlsson, M. (2005). Boku wa kono ango o bukimi ni omoi…Akutagawa Ryunosuke ‘Haguruma,’ Sutorindoberi, soshite kyoki," Nichibunken Foramu, 2005. Nichibunken.
- Karlsson, M. (2003). Nakagami to Fokuna. Waseda Bungaku, 11, 40-53.
- Karlsson, M. (2001). The Kumano Saga of Nakagami Kenji. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet.