Associate Professor James Flexner

Associate Professor James Flexner

BA Virginia MA PhD Calif
Associate Professor in Historical Archaeology and Heritage
+61 2 9351 6352
+61 2 9351 3918
Associate Professor James Flexner

James L. Flexner teaches historical archaeology and heritage studies at the University of Sydney. His main research interests are in landscape archaeology and historical archaeology, with a geographic focus on Oceania. His research projects involve fieldwork, artefact analysis, archival research, and studying historical ethnographic collections. James is also involved in developing close partnerships with local communities in the Pacific region, as well as broader public outreach efforts to make archaeology accessible to many audiences. His doctoral research at UC Berkeley was a study of the landscapes of the 19th century leprosarium at Kalawao, Moloka'i in the Hawaiian Islands. From 2011-2021 he focused his research efforts on fieldwork projects in Vanuatu, Tasmania, and Queensland. From 2022-2026 James is an ARC Future Fellow working on the project ‘Archaeologies of community and colonialism in Oceania’ (FT210100244).

Major Research Projects:

2021-2026: Australian Research Council Future Fellowship, ‘Archaeologies of community and colonialism in Oceania’, (FT210100244, $AU905,890 research funding over four years)

Abstract: ‘This project aims to understand the colonial past, its repercussions for the present and future in Oceania and the relationships between global forces and local experiences. It will use an interdisciplinary approach to historical archaeology and community archaeology. The unique colonial landscapes in Mangareva, French Polynesia will provide a landmark case study with global implications. In addition to internationally significant scholarly outputs and collaboration development, the project will make a substantive contribution to public outreach and education. Benefits would include advancement of Oceanic contributions to global historical archaeology, and increased awareness of the meanings of colonial heritage among Pacific peoples.’

2018-2023: Australian Research Council Linkage Project (with Dr Geraldine Mate, Ms Imelda Miller, A/Prof Jonathan Prangnell, Dr Helena Robinson, A/Prof Thomas Baumgartl and A/Prof Andrew Fairbairn, ‘Archaeology, collections and Australian South Sea Islander lived identities’ (LP170100048, $AU445,313 research funding over 3 years)

Abstract: ‘Australian South Sea Islanders (ASSIs) are not indigenous to Australia, nonetheless they have a distinctive and vibrant indigenous culture. Their stories involve an ongoing, 150-plus year history of struggle for rights and recognition. Having written little about themselves, most of these stories are on and in the ground in the places that ASSIs have inhabited, and in the objects they have left behind. The proposed research will integrate archaeology, museology, and cultural landscape research to weave together histories of ASSI lives and communities in partnership with living ASSI communities, in order to raise awareness about the ASSI past in Queensland society, and to contribute to senses of ASSI identity in the present and future.

Project website:

2016-2019: Australian Research Council Discovery Project (with Stuart Bedford and Frederique Valentin), ‘3000 years of settlement and interaction in southern Vanuatu’ (DP160103578, $AU317,698 research funding over four years)

Abstract: ‘One of archaeology's most significant contributions is providing models for the emergence of cultural diversity through time. Vanuatu is one of the most diverse regions on Earth. The southern islands were an important hub in early settlement and long-term inter-island interactions of Island Melanesia. Yet little is known about the origins of cultural contacts and diversity in the area. A major archaeological survey of the Polynesian outliers Futuna and Aniwa and neighbouring islands Tanna and Aneityum would greatly improve our knowledge of settlement patterns, long-distance exchange, and cross-cultural interaction in the region, from initial Lapita settlement 3000 years ago through to the arrival of Christian missionaries in the 1860s.’

2013-2016: Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, ‘Mission archaeology and colonial encounters in southern Vanuatu’ (DE130101703, AU$350,505 salary and research funding over three years, hosted at the Australian National University)

Abstract: ‘The remains of Christian missions in southern Vanuatu are important heritage sites for local communities, and for their place in world history as part of one of the final frontiers of European colonialism. This project explores these sites to produce a new picture of everyday life that includes the perspectives of missionaries and native people.’

Other Current Research Projects:

Archaeology of Triabunna Barracks: Historical archaeology project on an 1840s military barracks that housed the regiment guarding Maria Island convict settlement. The site was later used as a tavern, hotel, bakery, and post office. Run as an annual field school (with colleagues from the Australian National University).

Project titleResearch student
Out of the Toybox: Seeing Children Beyond Manufactured Children’s Artefacts in the Context of Australian Historical ArchaeologyAmelia O'DONNELL



  • Flexner, J. (2021). Oceania, 800-1800CE: A Millennium of Interactions in a Sea of Islands. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J. (2016). An Archaeology of Early Christianity in Vanuatu: Kastom and Religious Change on Tanna and Erromango, 1839-1920. Acton: ANU Press. [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Rawlings, V., Flexner, J., Riley, L. (2021). Community-Led Research: Walking new pathways together. Sydney: Sydney University Press.
  • Leclerc, M., Flexner, J. (2019). Archaeologies of Island Melanesia: Current approaches to landscapes, exchange and practice. Canberra: ANU Press.

Book Chapters

  • Flexner, J. (2024). Local histories, global connections through the present. Europe and Oceania during the 19th and 20th centuries | Lokale Geschichten, globale Verbindungen bis in die Gegenwart. Europa und Ozeanien im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. In Claudia Theune, Barbara Hausmair, Christina Schmid (Eds.), The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th Centuries | Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im Fokus der Historischen Archäologie, (pp. 230-239). Austria: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie | Austrian Society for Medieval and Modern Archaeology.
  • Flexner, J., Bedford, S., Spriggs, M. (2024). Sauvagerie et soupe cannibale. Transformation d’un mythe au sud du Vanuatu. In Gwénael Murphy and Dominique Barbe (Eds.), Le Cannibale Dévêtu: Traces récits et représentations de l’anthropophagie en Océanie du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours, (pp. 221-231). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Flexner, J., Bedford, S., Valentin, F. (2022). Encompassing islandscapes in southern Vanuatu. In Ann Brysbaert, Irene Vikatou and Jari Pakkanen (Eds.), Shaping Cultural Landscapes: Connecting Agriculture, Crafts, Construction, Transport, and Resilience Strategies, (pp. 117-132). Leiden: Sidestone Press.


  • Zinger, W., Valentin, F., Spriggs, M., Bedford, S., Flexner, J., Willie, E., Kuautonga, T., Détroit, F. (2024). "Feeling at home in Vanuatu": Integration of newcomers from the East during the last millennium. PloS One, 19(2024-01-01 00:00:00). [More Information]
  • Politopoulos, A., Frieman, C., Flexner, J., Borck, L. (2024). An Anarchist Archaeology of Equality: Pasts and Futures Against Hierarchy. Cambridge Archaeological Journal. [More Information]
  • Zinger, W., Flexner, J., Bedford, S. (2024). Changing subsistence practices in pre-European populations of South Vanuatu. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 59, 104756. [More Information]

Edited Journals

  • Bedford, S., Flexner, J., Jones, M. (2020). The archaeology of missions and missionisation in Australasia and the Pacific. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 11(2).
  • Flexner, J., Gonzalez-Tennant, E. (2018). Forum: Anarchy and Archaeology. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 5(2). [More Information]
  • Flexner, J., Message, K. (2016). Current Approaches to Museum Archaeology. Museum Worlds: Advances in Research, 4(1).

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Rawlings, V., Flexner, J., Riley, L. (2021). For too long, research was done on First Nations peoples, not with them. Universities can change this. The Conversation. [More Information]


  • Zinger, W., Valentin, F., Spriggs, M., Bedford, S., Flexner, J., Willie, E., Kuautonga, T., Détroit, F. (2024). "Feeling at home in Vanuatu": Integration of newcomers from the East during the last millennium. PloS One, 19(2024-01-01 00:00:00). [More Information]
  • Politopoulos, A., Frieman, C., Flexner, J., Borck, L. (2024). An Anarchist Archaeology of Equality: Pasts and Futures Against Hierarchy. Cambridge Archaeological Journal. [More Information]
  • Zinger, W., Flexner, J., Bedford, S. (2024). Changing subsistence practices in pre-European populations of South Vanuatu. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 59, 104756. [More Information]


  • Jorgensen, N., Way, A., Flexner, J. (2023). A 600–700-year-old basalt adze production site from Mount Bates, Norfolk Island. Archaeology in Oceania, , 1-11. [More Information]
  • Berihuete-Azorín, M., Blackmore, C., Borck, L., Flexner, J., Frieman, C., Herrmann, C., Kiddey, R. (2023). Archaeology in 2022: Counter-myths for hopeful futures. American Anthropologist. [More Information]


  • Flexner, J. (2022). Archaeology and Kastom: Island historicities and transforming religious traditions in Southern Vanuatu. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 29(4), 1367-1386. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J., Bedford, S., Valentin, F. (2022). Encompassing islandscapes in southern Vanuatu. In Ann Brysbaert, Irene Vikatou and Jari Pakkanen (Eds.), Shaping Cultural Landscapes: Connecting Agriculture, Crafts, Construction, Transport, and Resilience Strategies, (pp. 117-132). Leiden: Sidestone Press.
  • Flexner, J. (2022). Ethnographic collections and archaeological research. In Alice Stevenson (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Museum Archaeology, (pp. 374-386). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]


  • Flexner, J. (2021). Anarchist theory in the Pacific and 'Pacific anarchists' in archaeological thought. In Tim Thomas (Eds.), Theory in the Pacific, the Pacific in Theory: Archaeological Perspectives, (pp. 200-216). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J. (2021). Archaeology, anarchism, decolonization, and degrowth through the lens of Frase's four futures. Archaeological Dialogues, 28(1), 16-19. [More Information]
  • Rawlings, V., Flexner, J., Riley, L. (2021). Community-Led Research: Walking new pathways together. Sydney: Sydney University Press.


  • Flexner, J. (2020). Degrowth and a sustainable future for archaeology. Archaeological Dialogues, 27(2), 159-171. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J. (2020). Gendering the archaeology of the mission frontier in the New Hebrides. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 11(2), 11-20.
  • Zinger, W., Valentin, F., Flexner, J., Bedford, S., Detroit, F., Grimaud-Herve, D. (2020). How to explain Polynesian Outliers' heterogeneity. In Aymeric Hermann, Frederique Valentin, Christophe Sand and Emilie Nolet (Eds.), Networks and Monumentality in the Pacific, (pp. 62-77). Oxford: Archaeopress.


  • Leclerc, M., Flexner, J. (2019). Archaeologies of Island Melanesia: Current approaches to landscapes, exchange and practice. Canberra: ANU Press.
  • Flexner, J., Leclerc, M. (2019). Complexities and diversity in archaeologies of Island Melanesia. In Mathieu Leclerc, James Flexner (Eds.), Archaeologies of Island Melanesia: Current approaches to landscapes, exchange and practice, (pp. 1-5). Canberra: ANU Press. [More Information]
  • Pengilley, A., Brand, C., Flexner, J., Specht, J., Torrence, R. (2019). Detecting exchange networks in New Britain, Papua New Guinea: geochemical comparisons between ax-adze blades and in situ volcanic rock sources. Archaeology in Oceania, 54(3), 200-213. [More Information]


  • Flexner, J., Gonzalez-Tennant, E. (2018). Anarchy and Archaeology : introduction. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 5(2), 213-219. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J. (2018). Doing Archaeology in Non-State Space. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 5(2), 254-259. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J., Field, J., McCoy, M., Ladefoged, T., Kirch, P. (2018). Foreign material culture from Hawaiian households in Leeward Kohala. Australasian Historical Archaeology, 36, 29-37. [More Information]


  • Flexner, J. (2017). Reform and Purification in the Historical Archaeology of the South Pacific, 1840-1900. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 21(4), 827-847. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J., Spriggs, M. (2017). When early modern colonialism comes late: Historical archaeology in Vanuatu. In Maria Cruz-Berrocal and Cheng-hwa Tsang (Eds.), Historical Archaeology of Early Modern Colonialism in Asia-Pacific: The Southwest Pacific and Oceanian Regions, (pp. 57-91). Gainesville: University Press of Florida.


  • Flexner, J., McCoy, M. (2016). After the missionaries: Historical archaeology and traditional religious sites in the Hawaiian Islands. J P S (The Journal of the Polynesian Society), 125(3), 307-331. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J. (2016). An Archaeology of Early Christianity in Vanuatu: Kastom and Religious Change on Tanna and Erromango, 1839-1920. Acton: ANU Press. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J. (2016). Archaeology and Ethnographic Collections: Disentangling Provenance, Provenience, and Context in Vanuatu Assemblages. Museum Worlds: Advances in Research, 4(1), 167-180. [More Information]


  • Flexner, J., Jones, M., Evans, P. (2015). 'Because it is a Holy House of God': Buildings archaeology, globalization, and community heritage in a Tanna church. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 19(2), 262-288. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J., Spriggs, M. (2015). Mission sites as indigenous heritage in southern Vanuatu. Journal of Social Archaeology, 15(2), 184-209. [More Information]


  • Flexner, J. (2014). Historical Archaeology, Contact, and Colonialism in Oceania. Journal of Archaeological Research, 22(1), 43-87. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J. (2014). Mapping local perspectives in the historical archaeology of vanuatu mission landscapes. Asian Perspectives, 53(1), 2-28. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J. (2014). The Historical Archaeology of States and Non-States: Anarchist Perspectives from Hawaii and Vanuatu. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 5(2), 81-97.


  • Flexner, J. (2013). Mission archaeology in Vanuatu: Preliminary findings, problems, and prospects. Australasian Historical Archaeology, 31, 14-24. [More Information]
  • Flexner, J., Morgan, C. (2013). The Industrious Exiles: An Analysis of Flaked Glass Tools from the Leprosarium at Kalawao, Molokai. In Jeb J.Card (Eds.), The Archaeology of Hybrid Material Culture, (pp. 295-317). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.


  • Flexner, J. (2012). An Institution that was a Village: Archaeology and Social Life in the Hansen's Disease Settlement at Kalawao, Moloka'i, Hawaii. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 16(1), 135-163. [More Information]


  • Flexner, J. (2011). Bottles, abandonment, and re-visitation in the Hansen's disease settlement at Kalawao, Moloka'i: Implications for site formation processes and interpretation in surface middens. Hawaiian Archaeology, 12, 108-124.
  • Flexner, J. (2011). Foreign Animals, Hawaiian Practices: Zooarchaeology in the Leprosarium at Kalawao, Moloka'i, Hawaii. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 2(1), 82-91.


  • Flexner, J. (2009). Where is Reflexive Map-Making in Archaeological research? Towards a Place-Based Approach. Archaeological Review From Cambridge, 24(1), 7-21.

Selected Grants


  • Archaeologies of community and colonialism in Oceania, Flexner J, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Future Fellowships (FT)


  • Archaeology, collections and Australian South Sea Islander lived identities, Flexner J, Robinson H, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Projects (LP)