Your Search Results

Microscale Technology and 3D Printing for Therapeutic Delivery and Tissue Engineering

Dr. Kang is working in the area of drug delivery / testing and tissue engineering by using micro- and nano- scale technologies.For drug delivery, several drug-device combination pro more...

Supervisor(s): Kang, Lifeng (Dr)

Corneal bioengineering

Two research projects existing under this big area :1. To develop in situ bioprinting to treat corneal diseases; and 2. develop potential electromechanical methods to treat eye dise more...

Supervisor(s): You, Jingjing (Dr), Sutton, Gerard (Professor)

Gene and Cell therapy for treating corneal diseases

Two research projects existing under this board area :1. Develop in vivo gene editing technique to treat corneal diseases; and 2. Sequencing and mapping gene and protein interaction more...

Supervisor(s): You, Jingjing (Dr), Sutton, Gerard (Professor)