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Cross-Spectral Imaging and Classification of Concealed Targets in Cluttered Environments

Research Supervisor Connect. This project involves developing a software defined radar system to improve robotic perception in highly unstructured environments. Can multi-spectral techniques be used to iteratively resolve further into an obstructing
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Measures to Increase Trust and Reliability of Robotic Systems in the Presence of Adversity

Research Supervisor Connect. Development of low-profile sensing techniques for stealthy robotic platforms in unstructured environments. This includes minimising electromagnetic and acoustic signatures while performing mission requirements.
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Active Perception at the System Level, Including Human-(on-the-loop)-Unmanned Teaming

Research Supervisor Connect. Active perception involves moving a sensor to maximise information gain. For a system comprised of multiple heterogeneous platforms including humans, the problem of maximising information of the system as a whole is
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Australian cultural and social history

Research Supervisor Connect. Julia Horne is University Historian at the University of Sydney.
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Electromagnetic Simulation of Complex Dynamic Environments to Assist Cognitive Active Perception

Research Supervisor Connect. Active perception involves moving a sensor to maximise information gain about the local environment. Cognitive radar goes even further, to change the sensor parameters themselves to better probe the environment. In this
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Greek history

Research Supervisor Connect. Julia Kindt is Professor in the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Sydney and a ARC Future Fellow (2018-22).
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Social media and public relations

Mitchell also possesses high-level experience in media relations, including working in political public relations for Prime Minister Julia Gillard.
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Southeast Asian history and art

His books include the highly popular Bali: A Paradise Created (2012), The Pearl Frontier: Indonesian Labor and Indigenous Encounters in Australia's Northern Trading Network (2015, with Associate Professor Julia Martínez),
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Referral practices of allied health and medical professionals for people with musculoskeletal conditions

Gwendolen Jull, Julia Treleaven, Kathryn Refshauge, Luke Connelly, Nadine Foster, Deborah Black, Paul Hodges, Manuela Ferreira, Timothy Shaw.
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Implementation of interactive e-health resources for common musculoskeletal disorders

Gwendolen Jull, Julia Treleaven, Lyndal Trevena, Kathryn Refshauge, Luke Connelly, Nadine Foster, Deborah Black, Paul Hodges, Manuela Ferreira, Timothy Shaw.