Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Music education - Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Become a music teacher. Learn about our courses in music education, their learning outcomes, career pathways and our experienced teaching staff.
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Engineering Vacation Research Internship Program - Faculty of Engineering

have achieved a weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 75 (or equivalent) in your most recent undergraduate or postgraduate coursework academic transcript.
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pathways - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Applicants with a lower mark who can demonstrate improvement over the duration of their tertiary studies will be considered eligible for admission, particularly if:. ... The applicants’ GPA (as calculated by UAC) should be at least a GPA of 4.5
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Computer science - Faculty of Engineering

To see how it works, read about credit for previous study for your Master of Cybersecurity. ... To see how it works, read about credit for previous study for your Master of Information Technology.
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Study medicine and health - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Discover your study options and find out how to launch or develop a rewarding career in medicine and health.
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We offer a range of undergraduate scholarships, postgraduate scholarships and postgraduate research scholarships. Find out more.
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Classical performance - Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Classical performance. Make your mark with our exceptional classical music program.
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Study health sciences - Faculty of Medicine and Health

Allied health degrees include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and exercise therapy. Launch your career in health sciences and allied health.