Results that match 1 of 2 words

Centres and institutes_

Psycho-oncology Cooperative Research Group - Faculty of Science

Developing national research capacity and collaborations to conduct large-scale, multi-centre research of clinical relevance and importance, which would be difficult for a single team to undertake.
Centres and institutes_

About Sydney Precision Data Science Centre - Faculty of Science

Our people. A research leaderĀ is a University of Sydney affiliated member of the Sydney Precision Data Science Centre who either leads a program of research that in large part uses
Centres and institutes_

Schaeffer Fine Arts Library - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Large windows and high ceilings in the main reading area create a light and airy environment with a vista over the tennis courts and playing fields of The Square.
Centres and institutes_

Against the odds: Wellbeing among Indigenous youth in the Northern Territory - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

She is an internationally recognised expert working in the area of disadvantage and wellbeing and behavioural economics and has extensive experience using large quantitative data sets and undertaking field research.
Centres and institutes_

Our Research - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

We have a Spencer Foundation Large Grant under review Refugee and Minority Heritage Language Schools: Building on hidden resources.
Centres and institutes_

Facilities - Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics

Research facilities. Our Initiative has access to world-class research facilities. We are located within the Brain and Mind Centre at The University of Sydney, giving us access to large patient ... These clinics provide access to large patient
Centres and institutes_

A Course in Rasch Measurement Theory 2025 - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

It can also be used in large scale assessments including vertical equating. ... Rasch Measurement Theory. 4-7 February 2025. Rasch models of measurement are used in large scale national and international assessments, not only to analyse test data after