Results that match 1 of 2 words


If lawful firearm owners cause most gun deaths, what can we do?

If lawful firearm owners cause most gun deaths, what can we do? 7 October 2015. By accepting the common mantra that law-abiding, licensed firearm owners are not the problem, many have chased popular fears such as mental illness and violent video

On our side: remembering the national and international in China’s war

On our side: remembering the national and international in China’s war. 3 September 2015. On the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII in Asia, Dr Andres Rodriguez remembers China's role in the war and the impact it had on the internationalisation

Desecration and romanticisation – the real curse of mummies

This year The Mummy, directed by Alex Kurtzman, will see Hollywood pharaohs Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe face off against a female mummy played by Sofia Boutella.

Playing with fire: At what point will Donald Trump have gone too far?

Playing with fire: At what point will Donald Trump have gone too far? 2 March 2016. With ugly violence at his rallies and a public flirtation with racists, will Super Tuesday be the beginning of the end for Donald Trump, or confirmation he is a

What is a hung parliament and how does it affect legislation?

What is a hung parliament and how does it affect legislation? 22 October 2018. Have you ever wondered exactly what a hung parliament is, what it means for the House of Representatives and the implications for our governance? University of Sydney's

Fear, smear and the paradox of authoritarian politics in Singapore

Fear, smear and the paradox of authoritarian politics in Singapore. 30 September 2015. Elections in Singapore are so heavily stacked in favour of the long-ruling People's Action Party that the country's newly re-elected government is more