Six scholars recognised for social sciences leadership - The University of Sydney
Aerial view of the Quadrangle looking towards City Road.

Six scholars recognised for social sciences leadership

27 September 2018
Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Fellows announced
Six University of Sydney social scientists have been elected to the prestigious Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia for their distinguished contributions to their disciplines and to society.

The new Fellows have significantly advanced research knowledge and developed new approaches to areas as diverse as accounting, linguistics, political science, psychology and urbanism.

The new Fellows from the University of Sydney are:

President of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Professor Glenn Withers AO, congratulated the scholars elected this year.

“The strength of Australian social sciences is reflected in these appointments,” he said in a statement. “The scholars elected here to Fellowship have each made contributions of excellence, as recognised by their peers in an exhaustive electoral process.”

University of Sydney Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Duncan Ivison echoed these sentiments and congratulated the new Fellows.

“I am thrilled that six of our academics have been recognised as Australia’s most accomplished social scientists. This is a wonderful recognition of their individual disciplinary achievements and reflects the University’s research strength across the social sciences more broadly,” he said.

The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia is one of the country’s four Learned Academies and seeks to promote excellence in the social sciences in Australia and in their contribution to public policy.

The New Fellows of the Academy will be formally welcomed and inducted at the Academy’s General Meeting and Annual Symposium to be held in Canberra from 12-14 November 2018.

Jennifer Peterson-Ward

Media and PR Adviser (Humanities)

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