Facts about student relocations - The University of Sydney

Facts about student relocations

6 March 2020
Our plans for students needing to self isolate
The University of Sydney is planning for several scenarios in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak, including the safe and appropriate housing of all our students living in our University-owned accommodation.

We are absolutely focussed on the safety and wellbeing of our whole community.

Throughout this difficult period, we’ve adhered to the advice of health authorities, and we’ll continue to take any further required actions as directed by NSW Health.

We are carefully planning for several scenarios in relation to the coronavirus, including a potential lift of the current travel restrictions and the potential for an increased number of infections in our community.

As part of this work, this week we informed students residing in one of our residences that they may need to temporarily relocate, in order to allow for appropriate housing of any students that are booked into a University accommodation and need to self isolate.

We’re in regular contact with our staff, students and community and are advising they follow basic hygiene and health advice in order to help prevent the spread of infection.

Isolation accommodation

There are currently no students in self isolation in University of Sydney accommodation.

Our students currently in China will only enter Australia once the government has deemed it is safe to lift the travel restrictions currently in place.

If and when the restrictions are lifted, or if any of our students comes into contact with a person with coronavirus, we’ll need a safe place for our students that live in University-owned accommodation to self-isolate.

The accommodation is not intended for those who are sick and need medical attention. Anyone who is sick will be treated appropriately as the situation at the time demands. In the current circumstances, that means they would be hospitalised.

The current quarantine period specified by the government is two weeks. When we no longer need the accommodation for isolation purposes, we will undertake a medical grade clean before allowing the previous residents back.

Affected students

No one has been asked to move yet. We explained to affected students that we were activating the required seven days’ notice period, and would give an extra 48 hours notice if we actually needed them to relocate. We wanted to ensure that our students had sufficient notice, but to assure them they wouldn’t be asked to relocate until it was actually required.

We’ve asked students to contact Student Administration Services if they had any concerns, and will of course take any special circumstances into account.

We’re aware that moving would be inconvenient and possibly distressing for some, and we thank any affected students for their cooperation and understanding. These students would be offered a reduced fee for any period of relocation, and we’d manage the costs and arrangements associated with any move.