2018 - Sydney Environment Institute


Our 2018 content highlights


26 June 2018


“We have performed and recorded together whenever we have the opportunity, with the core aim being to share musical ideas and create new versions of old songs, for fun and entertainment but also, for the women, with the firm purpose of keeping their songs alive.”
12 June 2018

Business as usual: confronting the denial at the heart of the climate crisis

Chris Wright reflects on how large corporations are able to continue engaging in increasingly environmentally destructive behaviour despite the disastrous consequences for human society and a livable climate.
30 May 2018

Great Barrier Reef stories, chapter four: reef grief

Matters of death and dying, of grief and of mourning, are present, for better and for worse, in proximity to any serious contemporary discussion of the Great Barrier Reef. They are, in other words, among the most powerful of the narrative energies that power Reef stories
24 April 2018

Introducing the living in a warming world lecture series

Frances Flanagan and Christopher Wright introduce the upcoming Living in a Warming World lecture series, presented by the Sydney Environment Institute in partnership with Sydney Ideas.
11 April 2018

Urbanisation and the threat to biodiversity

Master of International Relations candidate Sulagna Basu, discusses how the rapid urbanisation of cities in India and China is impacting coastal wetlands and causing habitat fragmentation for native animals. Sulagna explains that although the link between urbanisation and the threat to biodiversity is undeniable, the complications of urbanisation in developing countries have not been adequately studied.
19 March 2018

The EJ Series, part 16: multispecies justice and the anthropocene

“Justice in a multispecies context forces us to ask difficult questions about what is “just” for non-humans. What, for example, do animals want from us when it comes to justice?”
12 March 2018

The EJ Series, part 15: cows, instant noodles and environmental justice – culture, power and food in India

For environmental justice, we must support the struggles of those who strive to live and eat with dignity and pride, which means fighting for land, water and forests, and the nutritious traditions that flow from them, as well as demanding government policies that respect cultural diversity and social equity.
26 February 2018

The EJ Series, part 14: ‘looking forward’ – critical environmental justice studies and the prison industrial complex

A particularly pronounced way in which prisons and environmental justice come together is through the methods that the state often employs to criminalize, control and incarcerate people who take measures to defend and ‘save the environment and nonhumans’.
19 February 2018

The EJ Series, part 13: settlers, miners, same thing.

Seán Kerins traces the history of development, environmental destruction and colonial injustice in the Southwest Gulf Of Carpentaria, Northern Territory.
13 February 2018

Great Barrier Reef stories, Chapter 3: reef music

What does the Great Barrier Reef sound like? Dr Killian Quigley reflects on different ways to describe the Reef’s nonvisual particularities in order to make us more likely to relate viscerally to the Reef and perhaps to care more for it.