Animal Health, Disease and Welfare - The University of Sydney
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Animal Health, Disease and Welfare

Honours subject area

Herd of cows

Please note this Honours pathway is only available in 2022.

Animals play a significant role in the lives of people and communities, including for food and fibre production and pets for companionship. Animal Health, Disease and Welfare integrates the areas of animal biology and ecology with that in comparative and veterinary science. 

The honours year gives you the chance to refine your knowledge by doing real research under the guidance of some of the experts in the field.

During the honours year, you will design and conduct independent research and your research will culminate in a thesis. You will also complete advanced course material and be guided through your project by an academic supervisor who is expert in your chosen research area.

An honours year in this area will prepare you for research in animal health sciences including areas of infectious disease control, disease surveillance, animal welfare and animal production industries.

About this honours pathway

Unit of study requirements for Honours in the area of Animal Health, Disease, and Welfare: completion of 24 credit points of project work and 12 credit points of coursework.

For further details about honours and who to contact for more information, please visit the Science honours page.

Career pathways

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

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