Preparing for uni

Preparing for uni

Get ready to start your journey with us as a new student

Preparing for uni

Get ready to start your journey with us as a new student

If you've received an offer to study here, congratulations and welcome to the University of Sydney! Take the next steps to prepare for the semester, from choosing your subjects to engaging with the student community.

Moving to Sydney

If you're joining us from overseas or elsewhere in Australia, make a home out of Sydney with tips on where to stay, where to go, what to bring and how to connect with the University community.

Our Welcome Program

Celebrate the start of semester with social events, activities, information sessions and workshops to set you up for success.



Join Emelie Watkins, Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) student, for a tour around the University of Sydney

Explore your campus

From purpose-built laboratories, sports facilities and modern study spaces, discover what our campuses and Sydney city has to offer.