Business Law - The University of Sydney
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Honours subject area

Note: this Honours subject area is for pre-2018 commencing students only.

The Business Law major is anchored in real-world issues with a strong emphasis on the legal hurdles you are likely to encounter in business. The major provides students with a wide variety of legal areas to choose to study including: corporate practice, trade practices, taxation, employment and franchising. It provides a solid foundation for understanding the impact of the law on general business practice. You will learn how the law applies to a variety of scenarios through detailed case-based analysis.

The Business Law honours program consists of two components: coursework and writing of a thesis. The thesis can be in any area supported by the Discipline's wide expertise. The course work component is in the form of a reading seminar series covering common key issues in business law. The seminar series is supported by an intensive training program in legal research and important skills in managing a large research project. This coursework component will provide a good foundation for students to undertake independent research on their thesis.

About honours in Business Law

The Honours Program objectives include the further development of students' research and writing skills by undertaking intensive training in semester 1 in the course work component of the Program. The course work will provide a good foundation for students to undertake independent research in semester II for their thesis. An important objective is to give students the opportunity to research in depth a topic of interest to them in an area of business law.

Staff members of Business Law have research expertise in a number of areas in which they may be interested in supervising. In addition, from time to time, staff members of Business Law may be interested in supervising particular topic areas. Students should not feel constrained by these areas and are invited to submit proposals on other topics for research in which they are interested.

To discuss current research areas in Business Law, contact the Discipline of Business Law honours coordinator Eva Huang.

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.