Design - The University of Sydney
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Honours subject area

About this major

Design (Honours) provides students who have qualified for, or been awarded, an undergraduate pass degree in Design the opportunity to extend their potential in a research task under the supervision of a member of academic staff.

An Honours research project involves in-depth inquiry, where you can develop knowledge and expertise on a topic through design-led, empirical or theoretical methodologies. The knowledge generated can lead onto further higher degree by research or innovation in industry practice.

Graduate opportunities

Our graduates enter a wide range of careers. Examples include:

  • Interaction designer
  • User-experience (UX) designer
  • Product designer
  • Service designer
  • Data visualisation specialist
  • Creative technologist
  • Front-end developer
  • Digital producer
Career pathways
Courses that offer this major

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.