Immunology - The University of Sydney
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Honours subject area

About this honours subject area

Immunology examines the defence mechanisms that protect humans against infections and cancers, and draws together studies in immunology, microbiology, biology, biochemistry, pathology and physiology.

Studies in immunology are leading to advances in clinical medicine, including understanding allergies, transplant rejection, auto immune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and insulin-dependent diabetes, and the development of new vaccines. In addition, immunological techniques are widely used in disciplines such as biochemistry, endocrinology, microbiology, molecular biology and genetics.

Unit of study requirements for honours in the area of immunology: completion of 36 credit points of project work and 12 credit points of coursework.

The honours year in immunology provides you with the opportunity for full-time research on a proposed project supervised by a staff member expert in your selected field.

Throughout your immunology honours year you will receive guidance in research techniques by attending training programs covering experimental design, data analysis, written and oral communication and critical appraisal of the literature. You will also complete the relevant coursework units.

You might find yourself undertaking a project with one of the following research groups: Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunity group, Vascular Biology lab, DNA Repair lab, Molecular Cardiology lab, Mycobacterial Research lab, Centre for Virus Research, Retroviral Genetics lab, among others.

For further details about honours and who to contact for more information, please visit the Science honours page.

Career pathways

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