Pharmacology - The University of Sydney
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Honours subject area

About this honours subject area

Pharmacology is concerned with the study of drugs and the key role they play in the treatment of most human diseases. Increasingly, doctors rely on drugs not only to cure disease, for example antibiotics and infections, but also in the prevention of diseases, such as lipid lowering drugs and heart disease.

An honours year in this area is designed to give greater depth to your studies in biomedical science and to promote research-led enquiry and intellectual endeavour.

This is achieved through the formulation of a research project in which you investigate a specialised pharmacology topic, all the while developing your laboratory skills, critical thinking skills and completing relevant coursework units.

You will form close relationships with dedicated academic staff who are conducting cutting-edge research across a variety of fields, including asthma pharmacology, cancer therapeutics, chemical biology, chronic inflammation and pain, clinical pharmacology, drug design and development, neuropharmacology, pharmacoinformatic, pharmacology of cannabis, and transporter biology.

Unit of study requirements for Honours in the area of Pharmacology: completion of 36 credit points of project work and 12 credit points of coursework.

For further details about honours and who to contact for more information, please visit the Science honours page.

Career pathways

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