Computational Engineering - The University of Sydney
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In response to COVID-19, the University of Sydney has reviewed the availability of courses to be delivered remotely for students commencing their studies in Semester 1, 2021.

This course component will be available to study remotely for students commencing in Semester 1, 2021. Please note that some units of study that are not essential to completing the course component may not be available to be studied remotely.

Note: The University intends to offer as many units of study as possible in a remote as well as face-to-face learning method of delivery in Semester 1, 2021 and subject to ongoing border closures and public health orders impacting attendance on campus, in Semester 2, 2021. However, some units of study and courses require students to study in-person at the relevant University of Sydney campus/es and host locations for placements and will not be available remotely.

About this major

The Major in Computational Engineering provides students with a thorough grounding in the fundamental numerical and computational techniques used in fluids and structures engineering packages, in combination with the use of engineering modelling based on physical principles. It provides an understanding of parallel computer hardware and parallel programming including domain decomposition and message passing. It enables students to develop and use engineering packages with an understanding of convergence, accuracy, efficiency and validation. This major allows students the opportunity to undertake a major project in a specialist area of computational engineering. 

Graduate opportunities

Computational methods are central to most forms of engineering analysis. The skills developed in this major are applicable to engineering analysis, design, manufacturing and optimisation across a very wide range of industries.  Engineers may also find opportunities in the development of new engineering software packages.

Career pathways
Courses that offer this major

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.