European Studies - The University of Sydney
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European Studies


About this major

The European Studies major focuses on the societies, politics and cultures of Europe. Our units study present-day Europe, its problems and successes, its diversity, its conflicts and its achievements, and its relationship to the world, as well as some of the historical background to present-day issues. We look at both the European Union'the world's most advanced supranational federation of states and its most progressive superpower'and the wider European continent of which it is part. The major draws on the expertise of specialists in French, German, Italian, Modern Greek, Spanish, Arabic, and Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies and Political Economy.

You can take European Studies as a major or minor, or you can simply enrol in one of our elective or Open Learning Environment units. You do not need to speak a European language to enrol in European Studies as all classes are conducted in English and use English language texts. However, we encourage you to complement your European Studies by gaining competence in a European language through completing a second major or minor in a European language.

You can also complete a period of exchange study at one of the many University of Sydney partner universities in Europe. In addition, through our senior project-based units, including our Internships for Credit program, you will develop professional and problem-solving skills relating to contemporary issues in Europe.

For further specialisation, you can complete a fourth year in European Studies, either as an honours student, working on an individual research project, or specialising in project-based fourth year units that will further enhance your professional skills.

For more information on the program structure and content including unit of study information, please refer to the Arts and Social Sciences Handbook.

This major is offered by the European Studies.

Graduate opportunities

Our graduates enter a wide range of careers. Examples include:

  • Communications officer
  • Cultural adviser
  • Diplomat
  • Foreign affairs officer
  • Foreign correspondent
  • International business
  • Journalist
  • Policy analyst
  • Political advisor
  • Development officer
  • Teacher (with further study)
  • Travel and tourism consultant
Courses that offer this major

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.