International Studies - The University of Sydney
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International Studies


About this major

The International Studies major provides students with a deep understanding of global issues and cross-cultural dynamics. The major’s focus on global politics, history and culture equips students with the interdisciplinary expertise required to understand and tackle issues of international scope and embrace subjects that cross both disciplinary and linguistic boundaries.

Picture yourself unravelling questions of conflict and justice, state and non-state actors, and the nature and operations of international institutions, through case studies spanning a wide range of regions and language communities. The major begins with the major theories and concepts of International Studies in the two first-year units, providing an overview of the development of the current global order.

In second year, units deal with two key aspects of the twentieth century that have shaped the twenty-first, decolonisation and Cold War conflicts, before looking at key issues of global peace and justice. In third year, key international issues studies include the foundations of the international order, social movements and climate change.

For more information on the program structure and content including unit of study information, please refer to the Arts and Social Sciences Handbook.

Graduate opportunities

Our graduates enter a wide range of careers. Examples include:

  • Policy advisor
  • Diplomat
  • Embassy officer
  • Trade negotiator
  • Defence advisor
  • International business consultant
  • International logistics manager
  • Foreign correspondent
  • Foreign aid worker
  • Community development program manager
  • Human rights advocate
  • International risk assessor
Courses that offer this major

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.