Political Economy - The University of Sydney
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About this major

Political Economy focuses on the links between the economy, society and political interests. You will be equipped to understand a range of competing economic theories, and will use them to analyse pressing economic issues in the contemporary world, including inequality and economic development, economic crisis and change, and the conflict between economic growth and environmental sustainability. You will also study the historical development of capitalist economies and their institutional foundations.

In first year you will be introduced to the principal schools of economic thought and the historical development of the global economy. The second and third year units progressively build upon these foundations, further developing your understanding of central issues in the study of political economy. You can specialise in particular approaches to understanding the economy and can choose from a range of contemporary political economic issues.

This major covers key research and teaching areas including economic development, the distribution of income and wealth, the political economy of human rights, finance, neoliberalism, the environment, business cycles, and global political economy and gender.

You will graduate with the skills required to analyse economic issues of important contemporary public concern, including their social and political aspects.

For more information on the program structure and content including unit of study information, please refer to the Arts and Social Sciences Handbook.

This major is offered by Political Economy.  

Graduate opportunities

Our graduates enter a wide range of careers. Examples include:

  • Business and government consultant 
  • Diplomat 
  • Intelligence officer 
  • International relations officer 
  • Market researcher 
  • Policy analyst 
  • Public service positions 
  • Writer
Courses that offer this major

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.