Software Development (Engineering) - The University of Sydney
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Software Development (Engineering)


A major in Software Development provides you with the understanding and skills to work as a part of a team to reliably produce high-quality working software to meet a client's needs. From a foundation of individual programming skills, you will learn the theory and practices involved in determining requirements, designing software solutions, and then delivering the outcomes. Key future skillsets in information technology will be about creativity, originality and problem-solving across a broad range of business sectors and you will graduate with this major having these highly-desirable skills.

As a part of this major, students complete a Software Development project which provides the opportunity to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills learned in previous units, in the context of designing and building a substantial software development system in diverse application disciplines.Working in groups for an external client combined with academic supervision, you will carry out the full range of activities including requirements capture, analysis and design, coding, testing and documentation. This exciting unit allows you to use agile software methodology and make use of professional tools for the management of this project.

Graduate opportunities

Graduates can look forward to roles in a diverse variety of industries in such roles as:

  • Software Developer 
  • Software Engineer
  • Programmer
  • System Architect
  • Testing Engineer
  • Web Developer
  • UI Designer
  • Software Project Manager
Career pathways

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.