Engineering Design - The University of Sydney
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Engineering Design


Our Engineering Design specialisation will enable you to enhance the skills and methods that engineers use to identify and solve problems.

This specialisation will enhance your skills in design and manufacturability while also strengthening your ability to communicate to stakeholders unique solutions using a combination of graphical, oral, presentation and written skills.

It will also equip you with practical and creative design skills that are combined with a human centred design thinking approach, as well as offering experiential learning opportunities and facilities to prototype and test physical designs. 

Graduate opportunities

As a graduate of our Engineering Design specialisation, you will have suitable background knowledge and technical skills in areas such as design in response to RFP (request for proposals), engineering drawings, computer aided design, designing to Australian and Global Regulatory Standards, loading, operation, performance, sustainment, fatigue-life based considerations, advanced analysis methods, advanced manufacturing methods and design verification methodologies.

You may enter a broad range of careers identifying and creatively solving engineering design problems by utilising your different heuristic methods imposed by an ever changing design space requirement.

Career pathways
Courses that offer this specialisation

To commence study in the year

    The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

    To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.