Engineering - The University of Sydney
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About this specialisation

Our Engineering specialisation is designed to address the multifaceted and complex nature of engineering.

For instance, modern day civil infrastructure is growing more interconnected, our roads are reliant on our power systems which are dependent on data networks.

Extreme weather events demonstrate the vulnerability of Australia's transport systems to cascading failure, which often originate in a supporting network like electricity supply or communication.

When and how do failures cascade? When, how and where is it best to intervene to retain and restore power grid and/or transport system functionality?

Graduate opportunities

As a graduate of our Engineering specialisation, you will possess the knowledge to pursue a career as a systems engineer or architect, vulnerability analyst, or research and development manager.

You will have the skills to analyse the dynamics of failure in a diverse range of industries under different demand and stress levels, and component failures and human error scenarios, while developing prevention and intervention strategies.

Other career options lie in integrated logistics support; business process re-engineering analysis; hardware'software integration; management of 'crowd dynamics' (safe and efficient movement of people in built and complex environments); as well as in designing various social dynamics, crowdsourcing activities and collaborative innovation networks (COINs).

Courses that offer this major

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.