Research Methods - The University of Sydney
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Our Research methods specialisation provides a pathway to a research career.

It has been tailored to develop your comprehensive skills in computational analysis, modelling and simulation of collective emergent dynamics, used in quantifying the impact of unexpected events and socio-economic crises, and designing resilient socio-technological systems.

The methodological tools are introduced to analyse complex systems and make use of partial and noisy information; effectively model, and visually represent, dynamical systems with a large number of components; use optimisation techniques to pinpoint the set of circumstances which will result in the best outcome, and 'guide' the emergent behaviour and self-organisation of complex systems.

This specialisation includes an open-ended research project, leading to a thesis.

Graduate opportunities

As a graduate of the Research Methods specialisation, you will be able to pursue career opportunities in academic research (including the possibility to undertake higher degrees by research, such as Doctor of Philosophy), research and development, research management, and systems analysis.

This specialisation has been designed for candidates with a strong interest in quantitative research methods and interdisciplinary aspects of engineering, science, business and healthcare.

You will have practical skills in computational simulation and forecasting, providing key modelling insights to resolution of recurrent challenges across the globe.

It will prepare you for a career as a key collaborator and consultant in research teams, investigating critical phenomena across multiple scientific and engineering disciplines.

Career pathways
Courses that offer this specialisation

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.