Transport (Complex Systems) - The University of Sydney
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About this specialisation

Our Transport specialisation will prepare you to anticipate and solve the many complex issues related to transport.

This may include finding solutions to the emergence of undesirable, even life-threatening, traffic phenomena, as well as ways to save time and fuel, while reducing congestion and pollution.

Additionally, you will be trainined with the technical knowledge and skills to provide solutions to complex questions, such as how we can improve the fragility of important airport hubs vulnerable to changing weather patterns that often handle more than their share of 'connectivity'.

Graduate opportunities

As a graduate of our Transport specialisatiom, you will possess the technical skills and knowledge to become leading transport consultants and project leaders.

You will be able to address rapid urbanisation and transforming modern transport systems, by increasing their efficiency and resilience via intelligent and adaptive transport services (such as smart mobility), where real-time data, analysis of human behaviour and movement patterns, dynamic load sharing, and optimal route selection are combined within innovative predictive analytics.

You may also opt to pursue a carrer as transport and logistics engineers, infrastructure planners, and urban and regional planners.

Courses that offer this specialisation

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.