Family day care - The University of Sydney
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Child care

Family day care

Family day care is a childcare service where care is provided for small groups of children (usually up to four to five) in the private home of an approved carer. Carers register with their local government family day care coordination unit. They receive training and support and properties are regularly inspected to ensure they are clean and safe.

Family day care is available for children aged six weeks to 12 years and may be able to provide flexible hours to suit a variety of situations, such as full-time, part-time, before or after-school or respite care.

Like all long day care, family day care services are subject to the quality assurance standards imposed by the National Child Care Accreditation Council.

How to apply

To apply for a place in family day care, you'll need to contact your local council’s family day care coordination unit. Contact details for providers can be obtained from the NSW Family Day Care Association on +61 2 9572 9440 or toll free (locally) on 1800 157 818. You can also look under ‘Family Day Care’ in the White Pages.

You may need to join a waiting list before finding a carer.

The closest family day care services to the University are:

Inner West Council

Marrickville Family Day Care
Petersham Town Hall
107 Crystal Street
Petersham NSW 2049
+61 2 9335 2235

Leichhardt Family Day Care
22 Foster Street
Leichhardt NSW 2040
+61 2 9569 1233

Waverley Council

Waverley Family Day Care
(Waverley Family Day Care Scheme looks after parts of Glebe due to an amalgamation with Sydney Family Day Care)
28 Ebley Street
Bondi Junction NSW 2022
+61 2 9386 7785

Last updated: 21 March 2025

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