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You will receive a result for each of your units of study at the end of semester. Find out when results are released and what they mean.
If you are enrolled in any units of study during a semester, we will send an email with your results to your University student email account at the end of the semester. After 24 hours, your results will then be available in Sydney Student.
Event or deadline | Date |
Semester 1 results published | 3 July 2024 |
Semester 2 results published | 11 December 2024 |
Usually you will need to wait until the end of the current semester to receive your results for an intensive unit. If you’re unsure about a result for an intensive unit, contact your unit of study coordinator.
Results for replacement exams will become available approximately two weeks after your exam. You can confirm this with your unit of study coordinator.
Your results for previous semesters are in Sydney Student. Go to ‘My studies’, then ‘Assessments’ to view your results notice. You can also view them on your academic transcript.
There are different types of average marks used at the University, including Weighted Average Mark (WAM), Annual Average Mark (AAM) and Semester Average Mark (SAM).
Find out more about average marks and how they are calculated.
The University awards common result grades, set out in the Coursework Policy (Schedule 1).
Each faculty or school and unit of study has specific criteria for meeting the learning outcomes of each unit. These can generally be found in your unit of study outline. Contact your unit of study coordinator for further details.
Result code |
Result name |
Mark range |
Description |
HD |
High distinction |
85 - 100 |
Awarded when you demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at an exceptional standard, as defined by grade descriptors or exemplars outlined by your faculty or school. |
DI |
Distinction |
75 - 84 |
Awarded when you demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at a very high standard, as defined by grade descriptors or exemplars outlined by your faculty or school. |
CR |
Credit |
65 - 74 |
Awarded when you demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at a good standard, as defined by grade descriptors or exemplars outlined by your faculty or school. |
PS |
Pass |
50 - 64 |
Awarded when you demonstrate the learning outcomes for the unit at an acceptable standard, as defined by grade descriptors or exemplars outlined by your faculty or school. |
FA |
Fail |
0 - 49 |
When you don’t meet the learning outcomes of the unit to a satisfactory standard. |
AF |
Absent fail |
0 - 49 |
When you haven’t completed all assessment tasks or met the attendance requirements. |
CN |
Cancelled |
No mark |
When your enrolment has been cancelled. |
DC |
No mark or 0 |
When you discontinue a unit under special circumstances (outlined in clause 92 of the Coursework Policy), after the relevant census date. |
DF |
No mark or 0 |
When you discontinue a unit after the relevant census date but before the DF deadline, and you have not been granted a discontinuation under special circumstances. |
FR |
Failed requirements |
No mark |
When you don’t meet the learning outcomes to a satisfactory standard, for units which are marked as either Satisfied requirements or Failed requirements. |
SR |
Satisfied requirements |
No mark |
When you meet the learning outcomes to a satisfactory standard, for units which are marked as either Satisfied requirements or Failed requirements. |
WD |
Withdrawn |
No mark |
When you discontinue a unit before the relevant census date. WD grades do not appear on your academic transcript. |
NE | Not examinable | No mark or 0 | When you have exhausted your options to sit replacement exams or replacement assessment tests. An NE does not count as a fail on your transcript and won’t be included in your weighted average mark (WAM). |
‘Incomplete’ results are temporary results used when your final grade has not been finalised. Your results may be incomplete because:
Your faculty or school will need to approve and finalise your result. Once this has happened, your results notice will be updated and you’ll receive an email notifying you of the change.
If you have any questions regarding an Incomplete result, contact your unit of study coordinator.
Result code |
Result name |
Mark range |
Description |
IC |
Incomplete |
0 - 100 |
Temporarily used when further information is being sought or additional work considered before a final result is given. You will not be able to re-enrol with an IC result. |
RI |
Result incomplete |
0 - 100 |
Temporarily used in cases where a result will remain incomplete for a longer period than the IC (Incomplete) result. You will be able to re-enrol with an RI result. |
UC |
Unit of Study Continuing |
No mark or 0 |
When a unit continues in the following session. You will be able to re-enrol with a UC result. |
J2 | Incomplete | 0 - 100 | Temporarily used when an investigation is taking place into a potential instance of misconduct or an academic integrity breach. You will be able to re-enrol with a J2 result. |
If you have a result 'pending' or missing, contact your unit of study coordinator. If it is for an intensive session result, you should wait until your semester results are released before contacting your unit of study coordinator. Once your faculty or school finalises your result, your results notice will be updated.
In certain instances, such as if you have a missing or incomplete result, the initial grade you receive will be subsequently updated. This is a three-part process that may take up to a few weeks to complete.
Initially, your unit of study coordinator needs to update the result. This updated result has to then be approved by your faculty or school. Your result will then be updated in Sydney Student, and you’ll receive an email notifying you of the change.
If you are enrolled in any units of study during a semester, we will send an email with your results...
Don’t panic. Failing a unit is of course disappointing...
When you receive your results email, if you have a result that is ‘pending’...
After you have received your results in your final semester, we need to check...
If you’ve received a letter it’s because we’ve identified...
If you are removed from a unit of study automatically, it’s usually...
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