Eligibility and registration - The University of Sydney
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Maths in Business

Resources and registration

Resources and registration

Online and on-campus programs

We offer on campus and online workshops with an experienced math tutor for a select number of topic areas.

Registrations for Semester 1 will open 9 am, Monday 24 February 2025. Maths in Business workshops will begin in Week 2 of Semester 1, Monday 3 March 2025. Find out what workshops are available.

As a business school student you will have automatic access to our Maths in Business Canvas site, where you can find our Powerpoints, demonstrations, help sheets and worksheets for the program.


PowerPoints and materials used during the workshops are available in the Maths in Business Canvas site. If you do not have access to the Canvas site, email us at business.maths@sydney.edu.au

For further help on relevant mathematical topics, look at the following maths skills help-sheets.

You can also visit the Learning Hub (Mathematics).


Maths in Business greatly values your feedback. Where possible we make changes according to your suggestions.

Of the students who responded to the survey in Semester 1, 2024:

  • 91% were satisfied with the quality of the Maths in Business workshops and would recommend them to others.
  • 94% felt like they learnt during the Maths in Business workshops
  • 91% felt that the Maths in Business workshops improved their understanding of mathematical concepts and ideas.
  • 95% found that the MIB Canvas site contained useful and relevant resources.

Submit your feedback here.


Information collected for Maths in Business is kept strictly confidential and is not shared with anyone outside of Maths in Business management.

Information collected from you is used for the purposes of registration as well as for statistical analysis at the end of the semester, in which all participants are kept anonymous. This analysis is important for assessing the program's effectiveness and to make improvements in the future.

If you are uncomfortable with the use of your information for any of these purposes, please email the project coordinator at jessica.morr@sydney.edu.au and your information will not be included.

Maths in Business Office

  • Level 2, Codrington Building (H69), The University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Maths in Business Staff
  • Jessica Morr (Project Manager - Maths in Business and PASS)
  • Ada Choi (Tutor)
  • Yuning Zhang (Tutor)
  • Eda Zhou (Tutor)
Last updated: 20 November 2024

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