Under 18 international students - The University of Sydney
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International students

Under 18 student visa holders

If you are a student visa holder who is under 18 and not accompanied by your parents, family or legal guardian, the University is responsible for your welfare, including your accommodation. There's some special rules and arrangements in place until you turn 18. These are to ensure that you stay safe and that everyone meets their legal obligations.

Find out about these arrangements and how we'll help you navigate this exciting new chapter in your life with confidence and ease.


If you've received approval from the Department of Home Affairs to travel and live with parents or relatives in Australia, the University isn't responsible for your welfare conditions and the information on this page doesn't apply to you.

When to arrive in Australia

It is a condition of your visa that you must not enter Australia before your welfare arrangements are due to commence as nominated in your Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter.

If you will arrive in Australia before this, you must be accompanied by a legal guardian.

Your responsibilities

When you accepted your letter of offer, there were some conditions you agreed to. Now that you're in Australia, it's important you meet these conditions until you turn 18. Refer to your CAAW letter for more detail.

  • Accommodation
    Your approved accommodation is the only place that you are permitted to stay overnight unless you have prior written approval from the University. This is explained in the accommodation and welfare section below.
  • Updating your details
    You need to provide us with up-to-date information for your contact details and that of your parent, legal guardian or other responsible adult. Let us know if this information changes by logging in to Sydney Student and updating your details.
  • Staying in touch
    You should regularly communicate with your welfare provider through phone and face-to-face meetings.
  • Acting responsibly
    Be responsible for your behaviour and follow Australian laws. This includes sticking to curfews and avoiding getting involved in any illegal activities or risky behaviors.

There were also a few other things you acknowledged when you accepted your offer. These are that the University:

  • is not responsible for any fees or costs associated with your accommodation and welfare arrangements
  • is not legally responsible for your actions
  • has the right to withdraw approval for your accommodation, support, and welfare if you don't follow these conditions.

Your accommodation and welfare

The University has a list of approved welfare and accommodation providers that meet the high standards that are expected. Yours were arranged before applying for your student visa and the details are in your CAAW. Under the terms of your CAAW, you're required to reside at the address of your approved accommodation provider at all times.

It's very important you understand how your accommodation and welfare arrangements work, as you need to follow the rules in your CAAW and/or your student visa requirements. If you don't, you could be in breach of your visa. This could lead to a cancellation of your CAAW and potentially impact your visa status.

Social events and your curfew

If you'd like to attend a social event, you'll need to return to your approved accommodation by the curfew. The curfew is set by your accommodation provider and they may have a specific process for you to follow to check in by curfew each day. Please contact your accommodation provider for more information about your curfew.

You can't stay overnight somewhere else unless you have written approval from the University for a temporary absence.

Staying with your parents or guardian

Once your CAAW has commenced, if you'd like to stay with your parents or legal guardian at any stage in accommodation other than you approved accommodation, you'll need written approval from the University for a temporary absence.

This is the case, even if they accompany you to Sydney and you'd like to stay with them on your first night.

Changing your accommodation or welfare provider

If you want to change your accommodation or welfare provider, you can only do so if you have written approval from:

  • the University, and
  • your parent, guardian, or welfare provider.

The first step is to get in touch with us by sending an email to support.under18@sydney.edu.au. We'll get back to you with how we can help.

Temporary absence from approved accommodation

If you need to stay overnight at any other address, you need prior written approval from us. Otherwise you'll be in breach of your student visa requirements.

The University has strict legal obligations to under 18 students and there's a high level of risk involved in student absences. For these reasons, we'll only approve a request to be absent from approved accommodation in one of the following circumstances:

  • you're required to be absent to attend compulsory University activities
  • you're travelling back to your home country
  • you're travelling with your parent or approved temporary guardian.

Your welfare provider will need to apply on your behalf, so start by talking to them as soon as you can. Your provider will likely need your help to gather the necessary information and documents so that they can complete the application.


Information for welfare providers

If you're a welfare provider applying on behalf of a student for a temporary absence from accommodation, find information about the application process and log in to complete the application form.

More information and help

If you need help, please email support.under18@sydney.edu.au.

For more information, refer to:

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

Find out more about how we can help

Last updated: 06 November 2024

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