Using your student card - The University of Sydney
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Student cards

Using your student card

Digital student cards are available

All enrolled students have the option to set up a digital student card. This works just like your physical student card (which will remain active) and can be used for University building access, SydPay, printing, library services and more. Follow the instructions on our new digital student cards website to download the app and start using your digital student card by tapping your iPhone, Apple Watch or other eligible Android device at readers across campus.

Please note that digital student cards will not be accepted as a form of identification for exams. You must use your physical card for identification for in-semester tests and end-of-semeter exams.

While you're enrolled, your student card will give you access to a broad range of services and facilities on campus.


Your digital or physical student card functions as your library card. You can use it to borrow books from the library by scanning it at a self-service borrowing station.

If your student card is lost or stolen, you should let the library know so a block can be put on your library card.

If you are having issues using your student card to borrow books, find out what you should do.

Print and copy

You can use your digital or physical student card to access SydPay. This campus payment account allows you to pay for printing, photocopying and also laundry on campus. Find out about using SydPay and how to load funds to your account.

Travel concession

As a student, you may be eligible for a travel concession. Once you've received your travel concession, you will need to carry your digital or physical student card with you when you travel as proof of your entitlement.


Your physical student card is used as a form of identification for your exams.

Building access

You have to be currently enrolled to access campus buildings and facilities.

To access a 24-hour study centre after hours, just swipe or tap your digital or physical student card on the reader mounted by the door and wait for the beep. Find out about the ICT labs and libraries open after hours.

Depending on your course, you may also be allowed to enter laboratories or other faculty-specific areas. To add this level of access, check the faculty or school information below or ask your faculty or school to contact the Campus Assist helpdesk on +61 2 9351 7838 to organise this on your behalf.

Problems with your access

If you've previously had access but are encountering issues entering a secure area, check that you are currently enrolled in Sydney Student. If you've recently re-enrolled, allow 48 hours for your access to be restored.

If your student card doesn’t make a sound when scanned, you will need to contact the Student Centre to determine if you need a replacement card.

  • Make sure that you are attempting to access the correct location.
  • Contact Campus and Infrastructure Services on 9351 2000 to request access.
  • Check that your card is working once the access permission has been processed and applied.

Sydney Pharmacy School

If you’re a postgraduate research student, the spaces you’ll be working in require key and/or swipe-card access. During your induction meeting with your supervisor, you will review the locations you need access to.

Access to Pharmacy and Bank Building (A15) and Badham Building (A16)

Your supervisor will be responsible for requesting access on your behalf, along with checking you have completed the required safety checks and training.

Access to Charles Perkins Centre Building (D17)

If you need access to the Charles Perkins Centre facilities, you will need to contact the centre.

Sydney School of Veterinary Science

If you are a postgraduate research student, many of the buildings and some of the laboratories you’ll be working in will require swipe card access. You should discuss which building or labs you’ll need access to with your supervisor during the induction meeting.

To organise activating your student card to provide swipe card access:

  • Camperdown - contact the Executive Officer, Dean's Unit, Kelly Hayes at
  • Camden - call the Client Services Helpdesk on +61 2 9351 2000

You may also be able to request keys for specific buildings, offices and rooms. Discuss this access with your supervisor and make the request through the contacts listed above for card access.

Campus security issues are of great importance, so make sure you lock up rooms if you’re the last to leave.

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

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Last updated: 14 March 2025

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