Review and adjust your timetable - The University of Sydney
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Class timetables

Review and adjust your timetable

Once you’ve been allocated a timetable through Sydney Timetable, you'll be able to review and adjust classes up until the last day to add a unit of study for the semester or session (which is the end of the second week of classes for semesters 1 and 2).  

  • During this period you can change class times as well as add yourself to new classes.
  • If you can’t allocate yourself to a class because all the options are full, don’t worry. We monitor full classes and work with unit of study coordinators to create more classes where they are needed. If this happens, you can join a waitlist.
  • There are some classes you won't be able to join if it would give you a clash or there are departmental restrictions. 
  • You won't be able to adjust any units that are read-only.

If you change a class, you might not be able to change it back to the original version. This is because the system immediately gives the place to any waiting students. If this happens, you can join a waitlist.

Review your allocations

Select the ‘Timetable’ tab in the menu bar to access your allocated timetable and view your class details. The coloured icon next to each class tells you its status. Make sure you review each of the statuses as it will tell you if you need to take action.

Status overview

Status What does it mean What can you do?
Allocated This means you're allocated to this class If you're happy with this class allocation, you don't need to do anything. If you would like to remove this allocated class, you can select the 'trash' icon. Before you select the trash icon, make sure you understand the significance of this action. Your place will become available to other students and you may not be able to allocate yourself to this class again.
Select This means you are not currently allocated to this class but there are free places remaining. If you would like to allocate yourself to this class, choose ‘select’.
Clash This means there is a clash with one of your other allocations and your faculty or school has decided you must attend both classes. If you see 'clash' next to an activity, you won't be able to select it. If you don't have any other choices available, read what to do in our troubleshooting guide.
Full This means the class is full. If you want to join this class, you will need to submit a 'swap request'. If your request isn't immediately successful, you'll automatically be added to a 'waitlist'. These are managed in the order they are received and will not always be successful. You can also read our troubleshooting guide for more information.

Allowable clashes

If you have two classes scheduled for the same time, however the red ‘clash’ button doesn’t appear, it may be an allowable clash. For more information, read I have a timetable clash. What should I do?

Adjust your timetable

Learn how to allocate and adjust your class timetable in the video below.

If you’re happy with your allocated classes, you don’t need to make any changes to your timetable.

All changes you do make are managed in the order they are received and will not always be successful, so if you want to make an adjustment you should do so as soon as possible.

What you can do in the review and adjust period

You may be able to change a class that you are allocated to.

  1. Select any activity type with the word ‘ADJUST’ next to it. A list of classes for this activity type will display.
  2. Review your options. You will only be able to join a new class if the grey ‘Select’ button is next to it. Choose ‘Select’ next to the class you want to join.
  3. Sydney Timetable will either allocate you to the new class or display a message describing why you can’t change classes. If you receive an ‘error’ message, you will need to choose ‘Select’ next to a different activity.
  4. If you are allocated to a new class, select ‘Close’ to acknowledge the successful allocation message. Your allocation is in real-time and your timetable will be updated.
Screenshot showing where to find units that can be selected

If you are not allocated to a class for an enrolled unit of study, you will need to allocate yourself.

  1. Select any activity type with the word ‘SELECT’ next to it. A list of classes for this activity type will display.
  2. Review your options. You will only be able to join a new class if the grey ‘Select’ button is next to it. Choose ‘Select’ next to the class you want to join.
  3. Sydney Timetable will either allocate you to the new class or display a message describing why you cannot join this class. If you receive an ‘error’ message, you will need to choose ‘Select’ next to a different activity.
  4. If you are allocated to a class, select ‘Close’ to acknowledge the successful allocation message. Your allocation is in real-time and your timetable will be updated.
Screenshot showing where to find units that can be swaped

If you want to join a class that’s already full, you can request a class swap.

  1. In the ‘Enrolment’ box, select any activity group that has the word ‘ADJUST’ next to it. A list of classes for this activity type will display.
  2. You will see the class you’re allocated to and next to any ‘FULL’ classes, you will see a heart shaped ‘swap request’ button.
  3. Select the heart shaped ‘swap request’ button next to the class you want to join. A confirmation message will appear, select ‘ok’ to confirm your swap request.
  4. After selecting ‘ok’, you will receive one of two messages. 
    • If you see the message, ‘swap successful’, you have been allocated to your requested class. 
    • If you see the message ‘your swap will be processed once a place becomes available’, it means you've been added to the waitlist and your swap is now pending. You'll be automatically allocated to the class if a space becomes available without further confirmation, so remember to cancel your request if you change your mind later.

Considerations when making a swap or waitlist request

  • You can submit multiple swaps for the same class. If you’re successfully allocated into a class you’ve requested, the other swaps will be cancelled.
  • You can cancel a waitlist request at any time. Select the ‘pending swap’ button on the class and select ‘Delete’.
  • You won't be able to swap to a class that clashes with another one of your allocated classes.
  • In some cases, space can become available in a class without automatically processing your swap. If you see a space available, even if you have a pending swap request, you should select to join the class.
  • If you request to swap classes, and either your original or requested class changes (for example the class time changes), your request will be automatically cancelled. If you would still like to swap classes, you will need to submit another swap request.

What happens when you change a unit of study

  • If you add a unit of study after timetables have been released you can log in to Sydney Timetable and allocate yourself to a class before the deadline or you can wait to be allocated. This may not happen immediately.
  • You may need to adjust your other activities to ensure there are no clashes on your timetable.
  • If you are unable to allocate to any class, read I‘m not allocated to a class and can’t allocate myself. What should I do?  
  • Read what to do if you're unable to allocate to classes due to exceptional circumstances.
  • If you withdraw from a unit of study and don’t select another one, you do not need to make any changes to your timetable. The classes associated with the unit you've withdrawn from will be deleted.


Your timetable needs to be finalised by the last day to add a unit of study in the semester or session, which is the end of the second week of classes in Semesters 1 and 2. However, in exceptional cases such as to fix a clash, we may need to adjust your timetable after this date. Ideally, you should seek to finalise your unit of study selections as soon as you can.

Viewing your timetable

Once your timetable is finalised, log in to Sydney Timetable and select the ‘Timetable’ tab. You can view your timetable in a grid view, list view and week-by week.

Calendar feeds

You can set up a calendar feed to view and sync your timetable in your preferred calendar application. For more information, read How do I sync my timetable to my calendar feed?

Printing and downloading your allocated timetable

In the ‘Timetable’ tab, you have the option to print or download your timetable. Select the ‘print’ or ‘download’ icon located in the grey bar above your timetable to perform either action. You can select your desired print orientation and or choose to download your timetable as an excel or in text format.

How to read your class location

The standard format for how class rooms or locations are presented in Sydney Timetable is:

Timetable code for unit location

Some locations don’t include a Floor Number.

Some locations include the code ‘VR’ which indicates a variation from a standard room, such as:

  • two or more rooms with movable walls that have been combined for the class (for example, D18.133.134-VR.Susan Wakil Health Building.SWHB SIM Studio 133 and 134-VR)
  • a section within a room, where the room can be used for more than one class at a time (G04.108-VR.Wilkinson Building.Wilkinson Architectural Studio 108. Area 1-VR)

You can also click on the venue hyperlink to access more information about the venue, including detailed room features, accessibility and location information.

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Last updated: 06 March 2025

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