Modern Greek Studies (Advanced) - The University of Sydney
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Study one of the oldest languages and cultures at Australia’s largest department of Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies. Select from a range of language and culture units, benefit from an intensive in-country program and prepare for employment in education, translation and interpreting, media, government and the private sector.

You can choose to enrol in either language-based units of study or units of pure cultural content, or select from these the most pertinent to achieve your own preferred minor. The structure of this minor offers the opportunity to complete a series of units that form a coherent and cohesive strand of learning: you can complete all units offered towards a specialisation in language teaching or enrol in units with emphasis on culture, history and civilisation.

Bridging units, dedicated to translation, sociolinguistics or related methodological issues, will also allow you to create your own specific pathway according to the units from other programs or departments. The structure of the Modern Greek minor is flexible and adjustable so that you can choose the units you want to study and incorporate them within the context of what is offered in other minors.

For more information on the program structure and content including unit of study information, please refer to the Arts and Social Sciences Handbook.

Students will follow the appropriate pathway specified in the unit of study tables, based on their individual language level. Students completing any of the pathways for a minor will be awarded a minor in Modern Greek Studies.

Appropriate language units are determined either by language level and grade therein achieved in Higher School Certificate (as listed in the pathways linked above) or International Baccalaureate, and/or by one-on-one interviews prior to commencement. If you are unsure of your language level or which pathway is appropriate for you, please contact the Department for advice.

The Modern Greek Studies (Advanced) pathway is suitable for post-HSC Continuers or Extension.

This minor is offered by the Department of Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies.

Graduate opportunities

Our graduates enter a wide range of careers. Examples include:

  • Communications officer 
  • Diplomat 
  • Foreign affairs officer 
  • Language teacher 
  • Policy analyst 
  • Translator and interpreter 
  • Travel and tourism consultant
Career pathways
Courses that offer this minor

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.