Mathematical Sciences (major in Mathematics) - The University of Sydney
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About this course

As a student in the Dalyell stream, you can choose the Mathematical Sciences program, which will give you a recognised and distinctive pathway of accelerated or advanced study in the mathematical sciences.

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Graduate attributes

Students who graduate from Mathematical Sciences will be able to show:

  1. Ability to construct logical, clearly presented and justified arguments incorporating deductive reasoning
  2. Knowledge of the principles and concepts of a broad range of fundamental areas in mathematics and statistics
  3. Ability to formulate and model practical and abstract problems in mathematical or statistical terms using a variety of methods
  4. Ability to apply mathematical principles, concepts, techniques and technology to solve practical and abstract problems and interpret results critically
  5. Understanding of the breadth of the discipline, its role in other fields and the way that other fields contribute to development in Mathematical Sciences
  6. Appropriate interpretation of information communicated in statistical or mathematical form
  7. Appropriate presentation of information, reason and conclusions in a variety of modes to diverse audiences (expert and non-expert).
Career pathways
Courses that offer this program

To commence study in the year

The course information on this website applies only to future students. Current students should refer to faculty handbooks for current or past course information.

To help you understand common terms that we use at the University, we offer an online glossary.