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Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

Degree structure and requirements

This page was first published on 15 November 2023 and was last amended on 2 August 2024.
View details of the changes below.

1. Bachelor of Arts

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Arts degree, students must complete 144 credit points, comprising:

  • 6 credit points in degree core units, except where enrolled in a stream
  • A major (48 credit points) or a program selected from the Table A Subject Areas
  • A minor (36 credit points) or second major (48 credit points) selected from the Table A Subject Areas or Table S
  • 6 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment selected from Table O, except where a student is enrolled in the Dalyell stream; and
  • Where appropriate, elective units from Table A Subject AreasTable S or Table O.

2. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies, students must complete 192 credit points, comprising:

For the units of study from Table A that are available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies refer to the Subject Areas section in this handbook.

Dalyell stream

The Dalyell stream is a targeted stream for high achievers. Students who participate in the Dalyell stream are known as the ‘Dalyell Scholars’. As a Dalyell Scholar students will have access to curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Dalyell Scholars must take 12 credit points of Dalyell stream units in addition to their degree requirements.

Dalyell stream units emphasise the development of vision, depth of understanding, adaptability, breadth of perspective, societal contribution and a high level of capability in operating across disciplinary and cultural boundaries. Dalyell Scholars may take Dalyell stream units offered by any faculty.

Additionally with the permission of the Dalyell Program Director, students will have access to enrichment and accelerated units of study that can be competed as electives.

For further details regarding the Dalyell stream, please refer to the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Majors, minors, and programs

A major consists of 48 credit points in a single subject area. A minor consists of 36 credit points in a single discipline area. A program consists of 72 credit points in a single subject area.
In the Bachelor of Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies students must select one major from the Table A Subject Areas offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Arts to fulfill the requirements of their degree.

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts must also complete a minor, a major or program from Table A Subject Areas or Table S (shared pool) to meet degree requirements.
Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies must complete a second major or program from Table A Subject Areas or Table S.

Advanced Studies

Advanced coursework

Advanced coursework offers students an opportunity to complete further disciplinary knowledge in their chosen discipline. 

Unit of study information for advanced coursework can be found via the advanced coursework page in the Interdisciplinary Handbook.

Students may also choose to complete advanced coursework in a subject area related to their Table S second major.


Honours is available as an appended honours degree after completion of the Bachelor of Arts. Admission requirements and unit of study information for honours can be found via the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or subject are page offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

Arts and Social Sciences (Table A)

(i) Programs
  • Economics – available in Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Advanced Studies, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws only
  • Media and Communications – available in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) stream only
  • International and Global Studies - available in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) stream only
  • Politics and International Relations - available in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Politics and International Relations) stream only

Students also have the option to complete the Psychology program from the Faculty of Science within their Bachelor of Arts degree as an extension of a Table S second major in Psychological Sciences. Students who select this program must ensure that they also complete a Table A major.

(ii) Majors and Minors

The available majors and minors in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are listed in the Subject Area pages.
Note: Students cannot complete a major and a minor in the same subject area.

Table O - Open Learning Environment (OLE)

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies are required to complete 6 credit points in units of study from the Open Learning Environment (OLE) unless they are enrolled in the Dalyell stream.
Details of available OLE units can be found in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Table S - Interdisciplinary Studies (Shared pool)

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies can complete a second major or minor in a wide range of subject areas offered by the University of Sydney through the shared pool of majors and minors.

The available subject areas for majors and minors and their requirements can be found in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

The following areas offer majors and minors in this shared pool:

  • Architecture and Interaction Design;
  • Arts and Social Sciences;
  • Business and Commerce;
  • Education and Social Work;
  • Engineering and Computer Science;
  • Health, Medicine and Dentistry;
  • Music; and
  • Science, Agriculture, Environment and Veterinary Science.


Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies can complete elective units of study from the subject areas listed in Table A (Arts and Social Sciences) and Table S (shared pool).
The available units of study are listed in Table A Subject Areas of this handbook and Table S in the Interdisciplinary Studies handbook.

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment
22/11/2023 Economics in section (i) Programs published as:
Economics – available in Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Advanced Studies only
Economics in section (i) Programs amended to:
Economics – available in Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Advanced Studies, Bachelor of Economics and Bacehlor of Laws only

Section 1. Bachelor of Arts published as:
1. Bachelor of Arts

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Arts degree, students must complete 144 credit points, comprising:

  • 6 credit points in degree core units, except where enrolled in a stream
  • A major (48 credit points) or a program selected from the Table A Subject Areas
  • A minor (36 credit points) or second major (48 credit points) selected from the Table A Subject Areas or Table S
  • A minimum of 6 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment selected from Table O, except where a student is enrolled in the Dalyell stream;
  • Where appropriate, elective units from Table A Subject Areas or Table S.

Section 1. Bachelor of Arts amended to:
To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Arts degree, students must complete 144 credit points, comprising:

  • 6 credit points in degree core units, except where enrolled in a stream
  • A major (48 credit points) or a program selected from the Table A Subject Areas
  • A minor (36 credit points) or second major (48 credit points) selected from the Table A Subject Areas or Table S
  • 6 credit points of units of study in the Open Learning Environment selected from Table O, except where a student is enrolled in the Dalyell stream; and
  • Where appropriate, elective units from Table A Subject AreasTable S or Table O.

Section 2. Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies published as:
2. Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies, students must complete 192 credit points, comprising:

Section 2. Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies amended to:

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Advanced Studies, students must complete 192 credit points, comprising:

12/01/2024 Section Table O - Open Learning Environment (OLE) published as:

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies are required to complete at least 12 credit points in units of study from the Open Learning Environment (OLE) to meet the requirements for their degree/s, unless they are enrolled in the Dalyell stream, which only requires students to complete at least 6 credit points from OLEs.
Details of available OLE units can be found in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.
Section Table O - Open Learning Environment (OLE) amended to:

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies are required to complete 6 credit points in units of study from the Open Learning Environment (OLE) unless they are enrolled in the Dalyell stream.
Details of available OLE units can be found in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.
26/06/2024 Page title published as:
"Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Advanced Studies"
Page title amended to:
"Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies"

Section Advanced Studies published as:

Advanced Studies

Honours and advanced coursework

Both honours and advanced coursework offers students an opportunity to complete further disciplinary knowledge in their chosen discipline. 

Unit of study information for advanced coursework can be found via the advanced coursework page in the Interdisciplinary Handbook.

Admission requirements and unit of study information for honours can be found via the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or subject area page offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Students may also choose to complete advanced coursework or honours in a subject area related to their Table S second major.

Section Advanced Studies amended to:

Advanced Studies

Advanced coursework
Advanced coursework offers students an opportunity to complete further disciplinary knowledge in their chosen discipline.

Unit of study information for advanced coursework can be found via the advanced coursework page in the Interdisciplinary Handbook.

Students may also choose to complete advanced coursework in a subject area related to their Table S second major.

Honours is available as an appended honours degree after completion of the Bachelor of Arts. Admission requirements and unit of study information for honours can be found via the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) or subject are page offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.