Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) - Degree structure and requirements - The University of Sydney
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Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies)

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) is a unique course of study that equips you with the skills to work in a global society. Its core major enables you to relate local trends to global ones, while your chosen specialisation and language training provide the regional expertise and linguistic competence to work in organisations with an international scope, and to communicate effectively across cultural and linguistic boundaries.

You will:

  • complete a major in Global Studies
  • complete a modern language minor
  • complete a second major (which may be an extension of the language minor, please see below for process)
  • study overseas at one of our leading partner universities to diversify your study and provide first-hand international experience
  • undertake advanced coursework, including an industry and community project

Degree structure and requirements

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies)

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies requirements are listed under the relevant coursework page.
The International and Global Studies stream requirements are listed in the International and Global Studies unit of study table.

In the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) students must complete at least 72 credit points in International and Global Studies to fulfil the requirements of their degree.

In the first three years, students complete a 48 credit point major in Global Studies. In the fourth year, students complete either advanced coursework (24 credit points) or honours (48 credit points).

Students must also complete a second major (48 credit points) from the Table A or Table S subject areas.

Students must complete a 36 credit point minor* in one of the following language subject areas:

*Language Minor conversion to a Language major.

This means that completing a major in a language will satisfy the degree's requirement of a second major from Table A or Table S. Converting the language minor into a second major frees up space in the degree for elective units.

The best time to complete this transition is at the end of your first year; before results are released (end of August - end of November). This will allow for your request to be completed in a timely manner. To nominate that you wish to upgrade/convert your language minor into a language major please contact the Faculty Services via Ask a question


You must complete at least 12 credit points of study at a partner university overseas. Note that 12 credit points is the equivalent of two Table A units of study at the University of Sydney - in other words, half the workload of a full-time semester of study. Many students in International and Global Studies go on exchange for a full semester, completing the equivalent of four University of Sydney units of study, or 24 credit points. Other students do an intensive exchange worth 12 credit points in summer or winter outside the University of Sydney's semesters.

The units you take on exchange overlap with the other requirements of your degree. On exchange you can study anything that will count towards your degree, but you will need prior approval. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences needs to determine that the classes you take on exchange are broadly equivalent, in their workload, level, and subject matter, to units at the University of Sydney that satisfy the degree requirements. Students need to choose carefully so that exchange units will count towards their degree - as electives, as units in their language minor or second major, or, in exceptional circumstances, towards the International and Global Studies major. The credit points of study you complete at a partner university count towards the total number of credit points you can take in your degree. Thus the units you take while on exchange are an integral part of your course of study.

Going on exchange in third year will be best for most students. You are advised not to go on a semester-long exchange in your fourth year. If you go on a semester-long exchange in fourth year you will not be able to do Honours.

You should begin thinking early in your degree about when and where you want to go on exchange. You will need to apply one year in advance for semester-long exchange programs. Before deciding on a partner institution to apply to, you should research the units that are on offer there, consider how those units will fit with your degree structure, and discuss your plans with the International and Global Studies degree director or an academic adviser.

Students can find out more about exchange on the Study overseas with student exchange website.

Fourth year: Study advanced coursework

Advanced coursework

Advanced coursework in International and Global Studies requires the completion of 24 credit points consisting of two 4000 level International and Global Studies units and two Advanced Industry and Community Project units. Requirements and units of study for advanced coursework can be found on the International and Global Studies advanced coursework units of study page.

Table O - Open learning environment (OLE)

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) are required to complete 6 credit points in units of study from the Open Learning Environment (OLE) to meet the requirements for their degrees. Students who are also in the Dalyell stream are not required to take units from the Open Learning Environment.

Details of available OLE units can be found in Table O in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Table S - Interdisciplinary studies (shared pool)

Students enrolled in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) can choose to complete a second major in a wide range of subject areas offered by the University of Sydney through the shared pool of majors and minors.

The available subject areas for majors and minors and their requirements can be found in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

The following areas offer majors and minors in this shared pool:

  • Architecture and Interaction Design;
  • Arts and Social Sciences;
  • Business and Commerce;
  • Education and Social Work;
  • Engineering and Computer Science;
  • Health, Medicine and Dentistry;
  • Music;
  • Science, Agriculture, Environment and Veterinary Science.


Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) can complete elective units of study from the subject areas listed in Table A (Arts and Social Sciences) and Table S (shared pool), provided they have sufficient space in their degree.

The available units of study are listed in Table A Subject Areas of this handbook and Table S in the Interdisciplinary Studies handbook.

Dalyell stream

The Dalyell stream is a targeted stream for high achievers. Students who participate in the Dalyell stream are known as the ‘Dalyell Scholars’. As a Dalyell Scholar, students will have access to curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Dalyell Scholars must take 12 credit points of Dalyell stream units (Table D) in addition to their degree requirements. Dalyell Scholars may take Dalyell stream units offered by any faculty. in addition, with the permission of the Dalyell stream director, and provided they have space for electives in their degree plan, students will be able to take enrichment and accelerated units of study.

Students should note that the Dalyell stream requires at least 6 credit points of elective space. The Dalyell units can significantly affect your progression through the degree, especially in relation to requirements for fourth year. All students in the International and Global Studies stream should consult the International and Global Studies Director or an academic adviser before accepting a place in the Dalyell stream.

For further details regarding the Dalyell stream, please refer to the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

Planning your degree

The International and Global Studies stream is complex. Students need to plan their degrees carefully from the beginning. The International and Global Studies Director and FASS Academic Student Advisors can help students map out their course of study, and students are encouraged to consult them. It is recommended that students use the degree self-check tool before making an appointment. The Student Affairs and Engagement Canvas page also has course planners and pathways advice that covers International and Global Studies.

It is important to give some thought early on as to when you will go on exchange (it is recommended you go on exchange in your third year). It is also critical to make sure you do not exceed the credit point limit for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (International and Global Studies) degree. you enrol in a maximum of 192 credit points in the four year degree. That's an average of four units of study every semester for four years.

Depending on what you choose to study within your degree (whether that be converting your language minor to a language major to meet the second major requirement, or being enrolled in the Dalyell stream, or wanting to do Honours), many International and Global Studies students have very little space for electives outside of their majors and minors.

  • If you are doing your second major in a language you can complete 36 credit points of elective units in the first three years of your degree.
  • If you are doing your second major in a subject other than a language, you have no space for electives.

Majors and minors from Table A and Table S vary in their requirements, so check to ensure what you have chosen fits within the total credit points of your degree.

Students transferring into the International and Global Studies stream after some time at the University of Sydney or another university should consult the Director or an Academic Adviser beforehand to ensure that their degree plan will allow them to complete the requirements for the International and Global Studies stream.

In general, students are advised to:

  • Complete as much of their two majors and language minor as possible in the first two years;
  • Go on exchange in their third year;
  • On exchange, take classes that count toward their language minor and/or second major.

Contacts and further information

Further information, including contact details for the International and Global Studies Director and student representatives can be found on the International and Global Studies page. FASS Academic Advisors are listed here. Currently enrolled students should also check the Canvas site for International and Global Studies and the Student Affairs and Engagement Canvas page.