International and Global Studies

International and Global Studies

Transnational, multicultural, globalised environments

International and Global Studies

Transnational, multicultural, globalised environments

We bring together researchers with expertise in history, languages, politics, gender, culture, and law to examine contemporary global challenges in holistic terms.

Today’s international environment is a complex series of interconnections between nation-states and regions, transnational organisations and communications systems, natural resources, cultures, laws, trading regimes, surveillance mechanisms, migration, and refugee flows, bound up with security, environmental and health problems. .

We explore the causes and consequences of globalisation in the contexts of business, diplomacy, policy development, environmentalism, and advocacy..

Our research and teaching examines the dramatic paradoxes of globalisation by undertaking an integrated, cross-disciplinary analysis of global trends, development, culture, and inequality in the context of a global civil society.

Our study offering

Our research

  • Climate policy
  • Political economy
  • International history and foreign relations
  • Cultural studies
  • Migration
  • Gender, sexuality and law
  • Global cyber security
  • Civil society
  • Human rights
  • Ethnicity, religion and the state
  • 20th century political movements
  • European Union politics and policy

International and Global Studies

Find out more about the program

Enrolled in INGS?

We have the information you need here

  • Dr Marco Duranti

    Discipline Chair

Useful links

Contact us

School of Humanities

Room 607, Brennan MacCallum Building A18,
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

Phone: 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) (in Australia) 
+61 2 9351 2862 (outside Australia) 
