Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Aeronautical Engineering stream - The University of Sydney
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Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Aeronautical Engineering stream

Aeronautical Engineering is the study of the design, development, manufacture, maintenance and control of machines or vehicles operating in the earth’s atmosphere or in outer space. You will develop a complex understanding of the design of a flight vehicle and a knowledge of aerodynamics, propulsion systems, structural design, materials, avionics, stability and control systems.

You will also learn that maintaining and operating a flight vehicle requires an understanding of materials, reliability and maintenance, structural analysis for necessary repairs, together with knowledge of the disciplines within the design process.

The Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Aeronautical) includes the opportunity to undertake practical flying training. Specialisation in areas like helicopter design, structural optimisation and experimental aerodynamics may be part of a thesis in the final year of the course. You will complete work experience and practical simulation using wind tunnel technology and flight simulators, and work on actual aircraft and aircraft components to measure structural and aerodynamic characteristics. The course offers an exchange program with leading aerospace universities in the northern hemisphere.

For a standard enrolment plan for Aeronautical Engineering visit CUSP.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the Aeronautical Engineering stream students will be able to:

No. Mid-level learning outcomes
1 Demonstrate mastery of aeronautical engineering analytical skills including the applications and limitations of flight.
2 Demonstrate proficiency with the tools, methods, principles, technical knowledge and conceptual frameworks of aeronautical engineering, including propulsion and flight performance, fluids and aerodynamics; solids and structures; flight mechanics and control.
3 Respond effectively to non-routine, complex aeronautical engineering problems, within the required regulatory environment.
4 Apply diverse strategies to develop and implement innovative ideas in aeronautical engineering systems.
5 Plan, design, analyse, and review safe and efficient aeronautical systems, structures, services and policies to meet contemporary industry requirements and regulatory environment.
6 Recognise and respond to the inherently inter- and multi-disciplinary nature of aeronautical systems.
7 Find, interpret, evaluate and manage research to support aeronautical engineering decision making.
8 Present compelling oral, written and graphic evidence to communicate aeronautical engineering concepts and solutions.
9 Contribute as an individual to multidisciplinary and multicultural teams to deliver projects related to aeronautical engineering.
10 Apply relevant values, standards and judgement to contribute to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of aeronautical engineering systems.