Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering stream - The University of Sydney
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Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering stream


The Bachelor of Engineering Honours in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering provides students with interdisciplinary skills that covers the engineering design and optimisation of systems and equipment used in the manufacturing and processing of a range of materials, with applications in processes related to biomolecular and cellular engineering, carbon neutral processes, chemical and process innovation, food industry transformations, water resources and the environment.

Students will learn how to design and develop chemical processes and equipment in practical applications with a strong interaction with industry through work experience and study projects. The degree will allow you to work in a variety of industries, including water treatment and recycling, environmental management, energy sustainability and in research from the molecular level up to full industrial scale.

For a standard enrolment plan for Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering visit CUSP.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering stream students will be able to:

No. Mid-level learning outcomes
1 Demonstrate mastery of the  principles, methods  and tools of chemistry and other sciences associated with chemical engineering and mathematical modelling and analysis and  investigation that  underpin chemical engineering.
2 Demonstrate proficiency with the tools, methods, principles, technical knowledge and conceptual frameworks of chemical engineering, including mass and energy balances, transport phenomena, thermodynamics, reaction engineering, separations, process analysis and control, process design and safety.
3 Respond effectively to non-routine chemical engineering problems.
4 Apply chemical engineering approaches to a diversity of problems.
5 Apply chemical engineering principles in order to design systems, processes, products or plant to meet an identified need.
6 Recognise and respond to the interdisciplinary context of chemical engineering systems that are of current and future industrial relevance including sustainable development, safety, and environmental issues.
7 Find, interpret, evaluate and manage research to support chemical engineering decision making.
8 Organise, present and discuss professional  ideas and issues in oral, written and  other media formats.
9 Contribute as an individual to multidisciplinary and multicultural teams to deliver projects.
10 Apply relevant values, standards and judgement to contribute to the safety, economic, social and environmental sustainability of chemical engineering systems.