
The Big Idea finalists

28 May 2018
Is this the next 'Big Idea' that will revolutionise healthcare?
One of this year's finalist teams are hoping to walk out winners at The Big Idea 2018 award ceremony which recognises innovation in healthcare 'product' development.
The Big Idea 2018 poster


Professor Maria Fiatarone, PhD student Michael Inskip and Dr Yorgi Mavros could be sitting on the next big idea to revolutionise healthcare. A finalist for The Big Idea 2018 award for their product, HUMPHRE: The Holistic Unit for the Management of Personal Healthcare and Rehabilitation, the award recognises innovation in the development of a 'product' with the potential to revolutionise healthcare.

The Big Idea award ceremony will be hosted on Thursday, 21 June at Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh. All are welcome to come and support Michael Inskip and Dr Yorgi Mavros while they present their idea before the final judging. Those interested can download the program (pdf, 238KB) for the Big Idea Symposium (Thursday 21 June, Australian Technology Park, 3.30-5.30pm) and register to attend online.

The proposal of HUMPHRE was developed with a larger team including Judy Kay, Faculty of Engineering; Bob Kummerfeld, Faculty of Engineering; Perminder Sachdev, Centre for Health Brain Ageing at UNSW; Jeff Hausdorf, Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University; Che Fornusek, Faculty of Health Sciences; Savica, Mayo Clinic; Timothy Turner, Faculty of Health Sciences; and John Eisenhuth, Faculty of Health Sciences.

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