Colour illustration of different people interacting with various medical technology and medicine

Digital Health Human Factors Research Group

Improving the fit between health technology and its users
We apply Human Factors (HF) methods and approaches to evaluate and optimise health technologies to support healthcare work and improve patient safety.

The Digital Health Human Factors Research Group is a part of the Biomedical Informatics and Digital Health research theme in the School of Medical Sciences, and is part of the Charles Perkins Centre.

Our research seeks to understand and improve the interactions between users, health technologies and organisations using mixed-methods approaches. Research areas include:

  • Understanding and improving the fit between clinicians and digital health
  • Electronic medication management systems, electronic prescribing
  • Computerised decision support
  • Safety of digital health
  • Unintended consequences of digital health use and implementation
  • Evaluation and implementation of digital health technologies
  • Human factors methods and approaches

Our research

  • Optimising clinical decision support to transform medication safety and reduce prescriber burden
  • Reducing inappropriate polypharmacy for older inpatients
  • Mixed-method evaluation of antimicrobial stewardship in digital hospitals
  • Evaluation of nursing and midwifery education modules
  • Using decision support for more responsive care, better patient outcomes and greater efficiency, Digital Health CRC Project
  • Human factors and safety analysis methods in the design and redesign of electronic medication management systems
  • Evaluation of Real Time Prescription Monitoring in NSW
  • Assessing the impact of a self-guided digital intervention for fear of cancer recurrence (iConquerFear) in ovarian cancer survivors: a pilot randomised waitlist-controlled trial
  • Evaluation of a tap on/tap off system in an Emergency Department
  • Evaluation and optimisation of Florence, a digital patient journey solution
  • Optimising virtual care technologies between general practice and residential aged care: a Human Factors approach
  • Optimising medicine handover after discharge
  • Assessing downtime preparedness and the impact of a downtime on medication safety and operational performance
  • A dashboard to deliver care quality and person-centred outcomes in aged care (NHMRC Partnership Grant)
  • Using decision support for more responsive care, better patient outcomes and greater efficiency (Digital Health CRC Project)
  • The Get Healthy Coaching Service to reduce the burden of low back pain: effectiveness, cost effectiveness, and scalability (NHMRC Partnership Grant)
  • Evaluation and optimisation of Florence: An integrated, multi-component digital patient journey solution (Digital Health CRC Project)
  • Optimising medication information transfer following hospital discharge (MRFF)
  • Optimising virtual care technologies between general practice and residential aged care: A Human Factors approach (Medibank – RACGP Grant)
  • The General Practice and Residential Ages Care Study of Virtual Models (The Grace-VC study): Implementing safe, person-centred virtual care for residents (MRFF)
  • Translating trustworthy AI to improve decision making and outcomes in children with pneumonia (MRFF)

Our people

  • Professor Melissa Baysari: Research group leader
  • Dr Adeola Bamgboje-Ayodele: Research fellow
  • Ms Anita Higgins: Research assistant
  • Ms Jessica Yi: Research officer
  • Dr Kristian Stanceski: Research affiliate
  • Ms Tamasha Jayawardena: Research affiliate
  • Ms Bethany Van Dort: PhD Candidate
  • Dr Emma Tay: PhD Candidate
  • Ms Selvana Awad: PhD Candidate
  • Ms Nicki Newton: PhD Candidate
  • Ms Mary-Kate Daniel: Honours Student

The Digital Health Human Factors Research Group regularly collaborates with industry partners, local health districts and government. Some of our partners include:

  • eHealth NSW
  • eHealth QLD
  • Sydney Local Health District
  • Northern Sydney Local Health District
  • Digital Health CRC
  • Murrumbidgee Local Health District
  • Alcidion
  • Queensland University of Technology
  • Macquarie University
  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney
  • Department of Health and Human Services Victoria
  • South Australia Health
  • Sydney North Health Network
  • Calvary Aged Care Services
  • Sydney Children’s Hospital Network

Group leader

Professional photo of Prof Melissa Baysari smiling
Professor Melissa Baysari
Academic profile

Our location

  • RC Mills Building, Camperdown Campus, University of Sydney.