
19 September 2017

How the media oversold standing desks as a fix for inactivity

Media reports on standing desks overplayed the dangers of sitting at work, incorrectly saying it wiped out the benefits of exercise, writes Dr Josephine Chau.

19 September 2017

World-first microchip: 'storing lightning inside thunder'

As we churn through more data, cloud computing centres are overheating. Photonic chip technology offers a way forward for our insatiable appetite for information.

19 September 2017

Size matters in battle against extinction, scientists find

Researchers have found the Goldilocks zone for animals lies in being mid-sized, with apex predators over-hunted and small vertebrates like pollinators threatened by habitat changes because they cannot move far from home.

18 September 2017

University staff awarded for outstanding contributions to student learning

University of Sydney staff have received four Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, as part of the federal government's Australian Awards for University Teaching.

18 September 2017

Students represent Australia at Enactus World Cup

Thirty students from the University of Sydney will represent Australia at the Enactus World Cup in London next week, after triumphing over fifteen other universities at the Nationals Conference earlier this year.

18 September 2017

Sleep disorder not just a bad dream

REM sleep behaviour disorder is a precursor to neurological diseases including Parkinson's Disease and Lewy Body Dementia.

18 September 2017

University students host astronauts to inspire Australia about space

Australia's potential to become a more active player in the world's growing 'space economy' is being bolstered by the efforts of the next generation of Australian aerospace engineers.

18 September 2017

How to care for your cats and dogs (ethically)

Caring for pets can be a joy as well as a challenge. Veterinarian Dr Anne Fawcett shares her top five tips for ethical pet ownership during this episode of the University’s Open for Discussion podcast.

15 September 2017

Strengthening our partnership with Minzu University of China

The University of Sydney hosted a celebration of diverse traditional and contemporary Indigenous culture from different sides of the world, in collaboration with Minzu University of China and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission.

14 September 2017

Media reform will reduce diversity and is just window dressing

The new media reform laws do nothing to address the underlying problem of an increasingly concentrated media landscape, argues Associate Professor Tim Dwyer from the Department of Media and Communications.