October - The University of Sydney



31 October 2017

Research pinpoints powerful biomarker of Multiple Sclerosis

University of Sydney research in Nature Scientific Reports has found unique molecules in the blood of MS patients could lead to the development of a definitive biomarker diagnosis.

31 October 2017

Preterm babies' lives saved by clamping umbilical cord later

Wait a minute! Thousands of preterm babies could be saved by waiting 60 seconds before clamping the umbilical cord after birth instead of clamping it immediately University of Sydney research finds. 

30 October 2017

Five secessionist movements to watch in 2018

From Catalonia to New Caledonia via Iraqi Kurdistan: where are questions of statehood emerging? Dr Ryan Griffiths, an expert in secession and sovereignty, pinpoints some would-be nations of the near future. 

30 October 2017

Mental health providers need to better engage men with depression

The approach to treating men with depression needs to change if their increased uptake of mental health services is to be successful, new research from the University of Sydney shows. 

30 October 2017

Citizenship seven: understanding the High Court's ruling

Professor Mary Crock of Sydney Law School unpacks the High Court's landmark judgment on dual citizenship and eligibility for parliament.

30 October 2017

New appointment to drive innovation and industry collaboration

The University of Sydney's Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies has made a new appointment to facilitate greater industry collaboration.

27 October 2017

Students teach primary school children oral health skills

Bachelor of Oral Health students taught public school children dental hygiene skills and provided oral health screenings as part of the Carevan Sun Smiles program.

27 October 2017

‘Our survival depends upon it’: why we need constitutional change

On the eve of cabinet's rejection of a proposal to enshrine a First Nations Voice in Australia's constitution, Indigenous health advocate Ms Pat Anderson AO presented a passionate argument for change.

27 October 2017

Vegetable intake a serious problem 50 years on

Diet will become the number one modifiable factor for disease and death, overtaking cigarettes, experts warn as Australia reflects on the golden anniversary of dietetics, which started at Sydney.

26 October 2017

More partners, more projects for Sydney Uni students

The University of Sydney has partnered with 11 major industry, government and community partners to deliver new project-based units of study in 2018. Students will tackle real issues, as part of the reimagined curriculum.