June - The University of Sydney



28 June 2018

Our SOAR Fellows' research progress, six months on

The Sydney Researcher Accelerator (SOAR) Fellowships support outstanding early and mid-career researchers. Six months into the two-year fellowship, our SOAR fellows explain what a day in the life of a researcher is like.
28 June 2018

Researchers honoured with NHMRC Awards

Research into cardiovascular disease, back pain, kidney disease and brain injury has been recognised at the NHMRC Excellence Awards.
28 June 2018

Discussions with the Ramsay Centre: VC letter to NTEU

In response to a letter from the NTEU, the Vice-Chancellor reaffirms key facts about the University's discussions with the Ramsay Centre, including non-negotiable matters such as academic freedom and autonomy.
27 June 2018

Jockey seeking answers pledges brain to science

Veteran jockey Dale Spriggs who is suffering the impacts of 20 or more concussions has pledged his brain to The Australian Sports Brain Bank run by the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Centre and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

27 June 2018

The 78ers Legacy Fund: crowdfunding to celebrate Mardi Gras' 40th

A University of Sydney crowdfunding initiative will honour the activists who took to Sydney's streets for the first Mardi Gras and helped transform gay and lesbian lives in Australia.

27 June 2018

Decoded stretchy molecule gives living tissues flexibility

Researchers have decoded the molecular structure of tropoelastin, a protein that gives living tissues the ability to stretch and retract, and detailed how its structure is altered in various genetically-driven diseases.
27 June 2018

Dr Shelley Wickham wins Westpac Fellowship to study DNA origami

Dr Wickham will build new tools made from DNA origami - tiny tweezers, spanners, wrenches and springs - to better understand blood clotting on nanosurfaces and ultimately design better materials.
26 June 2018

How to spot industry influence in science

Keen to know if vested interests have influenced research methods or policies? Professor Lisa Bero outlines the signs to help scientists, journalists and the public assess scientific communications for industry involvement.
26 June 2018

Education system prepared for future of work: major report

A major report has rated Australia's education system as 'very good' and highlighted workplaces as a powerful site for learning.
25 June 2018

New research reveals how rugby league players make it to the top

As New South Wales celebrates Origin victory it's likely some parents have hopes for their own children's sporting careers. So what does it take to make it to the top tier of rugby league?