April - The University of Sydney



30 April 2018

Parechovirus epidemic affecting infants needs action: experts

Australia is in the grip of its third epidemic of the parechovirus (HPeV), now recognised as a leading cause of sepsis-like illness and central nervous system illness, particularly in young infants, new research led by the University of Sydney reports.
30 April 2018

How Kendrick Lamar's Pulitzer win merges pop and classical

As the Pulitzer Music Prize moves away from recognising composers of traditional art music, Dr Scott Davie from Sydney Conservatorium of Music discusses the musical and political criticism behind the rapper's album DAMN.
30 April 2018

Nation’s first institute for eating disorders research launched

Australia's first institute for research and clinical excellence in eating disorders was launched today by Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt and NSW Minister for Mental Health Tanya Davies.
30 April 2018

Launch of new faculty marks historic moment for medicine and health

The new Faculty of Medicine and Health brings together dentistry, medicine, medical sciences, nursing and midwifery, pharmacy and public health for an integrated approach to medicine and health.
30 April 2018

New study tackles high density health issues

Potential planning measures to reduce heart disease, mental illness and Type 2 diabetes in residents living in highly urbanised environments will be explored in a new landmark study.
28 April 2018

Disease-free Tasmanian devils found

A mission to trap Tasmanian devils in the state's remote south west coast has found healthy animals with an absence of Devil Facial Tumour Disease.
27 April 2018

Dementia research to receive $50,000 boost from crowdfunding

After watching in horror as his mother lost her 'beautiful brain', Paul Shaw decided to raise $50,000 for dementia research at the University of Sydney.
27 April 2018

New study measures support for public transport policies in Sydney

There are high levels of support for a public bike share program and more cycle paths in inner Sydney areas, according to a new study by University of Sydney researchers.
27 April 2018

Kids exposed to general anaesthetic do poorer on numeracy, literacy tests

Exposure to general anaesthetic up to age 4 raises the risk of poor child development and reduced literacy and numeracy as measured by school tests, new research led by the University of Sydney reveals.
26 April 2018

Sydney professor elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Professor Pippa Norris from the Department of Government and International Relations has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Social Sciences.