Intelligent electricity networks such as a smart grid involved physical power system and the cyber system composed of telecommunication and IT networks. The physical system and the cyber system can be interactive and interdependent throughout the operations of the intelligent electricity networks. This research aims at developing a wholistic model of the overall cyber-physical system as well as its security assessment methods and strategies.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research students under this project will study complex system modelling methods involving power system, telecommunication system and IT networks. Students will development methods for the overall system modelling and security assessment methods. Students will develop experience of using industrial packages such as DIgSILENT, PSS_E, PSS_SINCAL, PROPHET, PLEXOS and OPNET for cyber-physical system modelling and security assessment. Complex system methods will also be developed for system vulnerability assessment and strategies to enhance system security.
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 1741