Research Supervisor Connect

Oral health care and diabetes – assessing the 45 and up study with oral health data from PBS/MBS and hospital admission data


A two-way relationship has been proven to exist between diabetes and periodontal disease. Linking epidemiological data from the 45 and up study to dental treatment and appointment data from MBS/PBS and hospital admission records will provide a valuable insight towards the patterns of dental use by diabetic patients and types of treatment received. This project will aid in understanding the use of dental care in Australia and the impact of preventative, or lack of preventative, treatment on diabetic patients.


Professor Joerg Eberhard.

Research location

Sydney Dental School

Program type



This project will innovatively link 45 and up oral and diabetes data to dental services and treatment data to evaluate the links between diabetes, oral health and oral health care.

Additional information

Research Location
Charles Perkins Centre

Primary Supervisor
Prof. Joerg Eberhard

Additional Supervisors
Prof. Stephen Collagiuri
Kate Ruiz

Statistician for data analysis

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Opportunity ID

The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2185

Other opportunities with Professor Joerg Eberhard